Where did I say the devs should work up a special patch with just one change? Dont put words in my mouth. I think the change should be included along with other changes in the next patch.
As for why do I simply not stop using it? Why should I just ignore this weapon? When something is broken you dont just stop using it, you try to get it fixed. None of you even read my justification. How can you say a weapon is not OP when you can go around killing one of the strongest enemies in the game on very hard difficulty without even investing in the appropriate skill.
If you like to do everything easy, thats different. When you make a statement, you should provide explanation for it and examples. I gave you all a [censored] example. If you think the chainsaw is not OP , then prove it to me. Go attack some enemy with it that doesnt die in 3 VATS attacks.
You lot are the type of people who have ruined gaming and get everything watered down. You want EASY EVERYTHING. You guys are the reason why we have 45 bloody levels in this game and I am either forced to use a mod to cap the level or use the logans loophole.
I still stick to what I said, If you think otherwise, then [censored] prove it.
Three hits in VATS is very weak, some weapons can kill cazadores in two (the chainsaw takes about seven or eight hits in VATS to kill a cazadore). That's mid to low for a melee weapon so your main arguement is invalid. How long have you been playing NV? Have you even run into a strong enemy because giant radiscropions are pretty weak compared to some others.
Lets use an example so I can explain it in a way you can understand: I bought Alpha Protocal last year, I played it and really didn't like it. If I was using your logic I would force myself to play it all of the time. However I was being a sensible human being and I brought it straight back to Gamestop the next time I got the chance.
This part cracked me up, where the [censored] did you get the comvaluted idea any of us didn't think the chainsaw was overpowered because we want every damn thing in the game easy? I played on very hard and RPed so I could only care a few magazines of ammunition at a time when I had NV, that's not making things easy.
This part made me fall off my chair laughing, I am an old time hardcoe player, playing Fighting, Shooter, and RP games since the '90s, I hate things being easy. As you said before "Stop putting words in my mouth". And Logan's Loophole is a trait, and traits are optional.
First paragraph of this post proves it.