How Could Combat Be Improved?

Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:01 pm

While working on my current mod project,, someone brought up the issue of combat and the ways it might be lacking in Vegas. So for BBD, I want to improve upon the combat experience of the vanilla game.

That's where you come in. What is your opinion of the combat in New Vegas or Fallout 3? In what ways is it lacking? How could it be improved? Are there any combat elements you'd like to see? Do you have any cool ideas related to this topic?

I was thinking more in the sense of how enemies are set up in locations and things like that, rather than altering character and weapon stats.

Any and all opinions are welcomed!


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Sarah Evason
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:49 pm

Environmental effects, suitably signposted. They really make the player feel more part of the world, and less like it's scenery. There should at least be some falling rocks traps in the GECK, rigging them up to destructable walls or something would be fun- so the player can smash the city to bits to damage their enemies.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:48 pm

from a combat parameters perspective i really enjoyed the scripted ambushes set up in mods like while i don't like that the enemies magically appear at a scripted, set time (wish i could ambush the ambushers); i do enjoy the effect it creates. the enemies normally spawn in locations that suit their weapons: snipers up high behind cover and close range crouched in some bushes or something behind you. even with FONV's (and FO3's) stupid AI the positioning makes for a tough fight.
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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