When the dialog option for cure poison is chosen, I've got it end the conversation and In the result script I've tried...
cast xCurePoison player
xhealernpc.cast xCurePoison player (this npc ref is the base id)
xhealernpcref.cast xCurePoison player (this npc ref is the named ref for the placed version of the npc)
Neither of these are working to get the npc to cast the spell on the player, no casting animation or anything. So I also tried some other things, I changed the xCurePoison to a target, rather than touch, and that didn't work either. I then tried changing the xCurePoison into a self effect, and the NPC does go through the casting animation and casts the spell on himself. Reading the caveats, I saw it mention that with target spells, npcs will sometimes try to get to touch range to cast it and then give up without casting the spell, but I'm not sure that's what's happening since, being in conversation range, the NPC is already in touch range of the player.
So anyone know why this isn't working, and what I can do to get it working?