Can't See Blocking in Skyrim Vids?

Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:11 am

The overpowered argument is stupid.

Why couldnt you just let 2 wielders block but make it MUCH less effective? Doesnt this seem better and less drastic than simply removing blocking altogether for duals?

Why is it BLOCK WITH EVERYTHING or NO BLOCK AT ALL - are you all really that blind to see there is a happy medium?

This, exactly.

I don't even understand how it can't be obvious for everyone, the dev-team included.
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:57 am

WHAT?! Why would they remove a feature that worked fine in oblivion. Claymores and single handed weapons with no sheild should still be able to parry. THAT IS HALF THE PURPOSE OF A SWORD!

Letalone two handed weapons, I mean, block with one, attack with the other. Makes complete sense.

I don't want to rely on armour or kyting to win battles. That's stupid.

Find a button to do it now that the other hand does something. I dare you.
If I had a list in front me me of what every button did, I could figure out a way to make it work in minutes.

Bethesda people do this FOR A LIVING. That ''problem" of not enough buttons should be a laughing matter to them. I guarntee it isnt as mathematically impossible to make happen as you guys make it sound.

Seriously, I refuse to believe they were like "well shooot.... we ran out of buttons.... guess we cant block!"

Left trigger uses left hand - with a shield, or nothing, this is block. With something in the hand other than a shield, it's magic or dual wielding.
Right trigger uses right hand, whatever it is, no shields allowed
Right bumper uses shouts and powers
Left Bumper probably has something to do with camera control, as per usual
Left stick will obviously control movement, and probably the sneak function with a click
Right stick will control looking, and probably grabbing with a click
Right button is probably the character menu
Bottom button is probably the activate button
Left button is probably already being used for something, though we don't know what, it obviously isn't blocking
Top button is probably jumping
Start and Select explain themselves.

Find another one.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:26 pm

In Morrowind (Which so many of you deem to be perfect) you can't block at all without a a shield.... just saying....
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Add Meeh
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 5:11 pm

Find a button to do it now that the other hand does something. I dare you.

Clearly not a problem if your are using a keyboard.

If not (damn console controllers), well a button combination can easily be considered.

And after all, it's the dev-team's job to find solutions for it.
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Mario Alcantar
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 4:38 am

Clearly not a problem if your are using a keyboard.

If not, well a button combination can easily be considered.

And after all, it's the dev-team's job to find solutions for it.

They are developing this for consoles. And what combination of buttons do you suggest? Are you just here to complain or do you actually have an idea that isn't meaningless pc-user pettiness?
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:10 am

If you don't want to be all offensive, just don't use dual-wielding. It's like me complaining because I can't be as effective at damage using a shield and a sword as a person dual-wielding.

not really, wit h both configs you can still attack.


If this game means I have to take loads of damage while spamming attack, it's not going to be very enjoyable.

Honestly, it's not hard to put a buttom combination.

Also, what about hand to hand combat? If it's essneitall dual weilding two fists: how do the hand to hand players block?

Yeh, nice going bethesda...
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:40 pm

They are developing this for consoles. And what combination of buttons do you suggest? Are you just here to complain or do you actually have an idea that isn't meaningless pc-user pettiness?

There is no pettiness in what I said. There is always a way to make things work properly in that case, your argument is invalid. To find a button combination is a minor issue for the dev team.

And please keep your self-important tone for yourself, for I have personnaly no problem with console users ... if it's what you are suggesting. I just claim that in some case, keyboards are way more convenient than console controllers. The opposite is true for some other games.
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:13 pm

There is no pettiness in what I said. There is always a way to make things work properly in that case, your argument is invalid. To find a button combination is a minor issue for the dev team.

And please keep your self-important tone for yourself, for I have personnaly no problem with console users ... if it's what you are suggesting. I just claim that in some case, keyboards are way more convenient than console controllers. The opposite is true for some other games.

If it's so minor then you should be able to do it. What combination of buttons do you think would work best?
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:12 am

i agree completely with all of you who is going to miss that tactics from oblivion. i really enjoyed meleeing with an NPC and tossing a fire ball here and there or healing mylsef a little bit.
the mix of all my abilities during combat was what made me enjoy the fighting. i could mix my options to create more fun tactics to the combat.

now i can either use melee, OR magic, since i also think that blocking is important.
seeing in the videos how the player just stands there while an attack is incoming without the game giving him something to do against it brings combat with dual-wielding or spells completely shallow - trading blows until someone drops. that as shallow as it gets - diablo style.

because of how combat looks li skyrim i will have to almost completely forgo the magic and only use melee. if melee combat was that much fun and deep as in action games i wouldnt mind, but it isnt. it looks to be almost as bad as oblivion. it's shallow. it's empty. it lacks tactics and any need for reflexes. it NEEDS to have more and magic was that additional thing that made it bareable in oblivion.

once blocking is involved the PC has to time his attacks and blocks. it has another dimension to the combat. if he cant block than it's just button mashing - who slashes the fastest.
once magic is combined with attacking and blocking it's another layer of tactics. now it's impossible. it makes chosing what kind of combat u want harder because every technique is more shallow.

tapping both triggers is parrying. that's it. with dual wield there is a power attack done that way. i know. holding both triggers is the power attack. tapping it is parry.
with a spell and a sword it works the same way.
parrying means - tap both triggers WHILE an NPC is attacking and u avoid damage. blocking is done by holding the off hand or shield. with a shield u stop around 95% of damage and with a weapon block u stop around 85%. this way parrying is ALWAYS an option so with a little bit of skill a player can ALWAYS do something against an incoming attack. a shield is more effective because u can still parry but also blocking is better than any other option and it's easier to pull off.

now, someone said it will make 2 handed weapons obsolete. no, it doesnt. because with 2 handed weapons u can still block and parry. with dual wielding u cant block but can parry. also i think that 2 handed weapons should cause a stronger staggering when hitting and have greater range. dual wielding has weaker individual attack with less staggering but it has a higher rate of attack. this effects fighting groups more when u WANT to cause an enemy to stagger to give attention to others, or even hit multiple targets at one swing. dual wielding is better against a single target.

all the issues with the missing block , in my own optinion, could have been solved THAT way and made combat make more sense without any need for any additional buttons and while retaining balance without resorting to cheap stat play, cuz frankly dual wielding with 25% block is kinda like pi$$ing at the block ability.... (which is better than pooping on it as it is right now).
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josie treuberg
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Post » Tue Sep 13, 2011 11:50 pm

Is there any reason to have individual controls for each hand in dual wielding anyway? Although realistically you can't really hide behind a thin piece of steel, you should have to hit your opponent's weapon at the right time to "parry".
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 3:14 am

This post pretty much sums it up.

Very easy concept, even if it does only a little to stop damage, it still is a tactic and varies the strategy in combat.

Anyway, ffs, you can block with a bow but not two swords?

If these guys can do it, my dovakin can, ffs.

So annoying bethesda, I have defended this game up until this point. I really hope the mod solution doesn't require a script extender *sigh*.
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