Yeah. I'm petty, but with patches having eliminated most of my problems, the only issue I have left that still could be improved upon is the trading system. I imagine is similar across platforms, the little slider used to dial up and down exactly how much of a item a person is intending to trade or store. My issue is that beyond say a third of the way of the game, selling some weightless items, like ammo, or buying items using a large number of caps mostl leaves a player stuck holding on left or right for a minute or two.
Fortunately, for a petty problem, I think there's a simple solution. The left and right bumpers on the xbox, and I'll assume anolagous controls for the ps3 and pc are disabled during trades, could be allowed to move the cursor from minimum to the maximum of the scale instantly. That or a single button choosen which would alternate between the two extremes.
Anyone else get bugged by this?