Just curious, how do they view Zero-summing?
If I knew for sure, I'd have written about it
Going off the top of my
head notebook:
It was first necessary that [man] should suppress his own nature of division into two sixes...He would then be in a position to reunite paradise with the rest of the Earth, for, constantly bearing paradise within himself, being in ceaseless communion with God, he would be able to transform the whole earth into paradise. After this, he must overcome spacial conditions not only in his spirit but also in the body, by reuniting the heavens and the earth, the totality of the sensible universe. Having surpassed the limits of the sensible, it would then be for him to penetrate into the intelligible universe...to unite within himself the sensible and intelligible worlds. Finally, there remaining nothing outside himself but God alone, man had only to give himself to Him in a complete abandonment of love, and thus return to him the whole created universe gathered in his own being. God Himself would then in His turn have given Himself to man, who would then, in virtue of His gift, that is to say by grace, posses all that God possesses by nature.
The individual, i.e. that assertion of self in which person is confused with nature and looses its true liberty, must be broken. This is the root of principle of asceticism: a free renunciation of one's own will, of the mere simulacrum of individual liberty, in order to receive true liberty, that of the person which is the image of God in each one.
Both from Vladimir Lossky, concerning Russian orthodox theology. The Gnosticism ties in more with the ideas of how the universe functions, as with Alessia/Sophia and a Demiurge-Godhead, and a fallen, confused set of gods.