"MST contamination can be avoided by including either Tribunal or Bloodmoon in the load list when editing a mod. Since both expansions contain the full suite of GMSTs, TESCS will not add them." - UESP.net
While I thought this to be true, I was told a small mod I had made a while back with the expansions loaded was dirty.
I haven't even opened TES:CS in a while and I was thinking about getting back into modding, but I don't want to waste my time. I'd like to be sure my mod's clean so if I end up liking it I can release it. So, am I good just loading the Bloodmoon and Tribunal masters or do I need something like http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Utilities.Detail&id=74?
Bonus question: Is expansion dependence a big deal anymore or should I just stick to vanilla with GMST Vaccine?