I need help with creating a script attached to a door in a exterior cell, which gives people the option to choose one out of 3 different interior cells, but I don't understand how to do that. Can someone help me with this?

scn O4ETurrisPlenusLoadScriptshort buttonshort messageOnBegin onActivate MessageBox "Do you wish to travel inside the tower?" "Yes" "No" set messageOn to 1EndBegin GameMode if ( messageOn == 1 ) Set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button >= 0 ) set messageOn to 0 endif if ( button == 0 ) player.MoveToMarker O4TurrisPlenusMageMoveMarkerREF elseif ( button == 1 ) set button to 0 endifendif End
scn O4ETurrisPlenusLoadScriptshort buttonshort messageOnshort DoOnceshort RememberButtonBegin onActivate if DoOnce == 0 MessageBox "Do you wish to travel inside the tower?" "A" "B" "C" set messageOn to 1 set DoOnce to 1 endifEndBegin GameMode if ( messageOn == 1 ) Set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button >= 0 ) set messageOn to 0 endif if ( button == 0 ) player.MoveToMarker RefA elseif ( button == 1 ) player.MoveToMarker RefB elseif ( button == 2 ) player.MoveToMarker RefC endifendif End
scn DutchDoorChoiceScriptShort ChoosingShort ChoiceBegin OnActivate PlayerMessageBox "Which will you choose?" "Mage" "Warrior" "Thief"Set Choosing to 1DisableEndBegin GameModeIf Choosing == 1 set Choice to GetButtonPressed If Choice == 0 DutchMageDoorRef.Enable ElseIf choice == 1 DutchWarriorDoorRef.Enable ElseIf choice == 2 DutchThiefDoorRef.Enable EndifEndifEnd
scn O4ETurrisPlenusLoadScriptshort buttonshort messageOnshort DoOnceshort RememberButtonBegin onActivate if DoOnce == 0 MessageBox "Do you wish to travel inside the tower?" "A" "B" "C" set messageOn to 1 set DoOnce to 1 endifEndBegin GameMode if ( messageOn == 1 ) Set button to GetButtonPressed if ( button >= 0 ) set messageOn to 0 endif if ( button == 0 ) player.MoveToMarker RefA elseif ( button == 1 ) player.MoveToMarker RefB elseif ( button == 2 ) player.MoveToMarker RefC endifendif End
ScriptName DoorChoiceActivatorSCPTInt bChooseOnceInt iButtonInt bMessageBegin OnActivate Player If bChooseOnce ; iButton already set If (iButton == 0) ; Door 1 PlaySound DoorSOUN Player.MoveToMarker RefA ElseIf (iButton == 1) ; Door 2 PlaySound DoorSOUN Player.MoveToMarker RefB ElseIf (iButton == 2) ; Door 3 PlaySound DoorSOUN Player.MoveToMarker RefC EndIf Else Set bMessage to 1 ShowMessage "Choose a door", "Door 1", "Door 2", "Door 3", "Do Nothing" EndIfEnd;==================================Begin GameMode If bMessage Else Return EndIf Set iButton to GetButtonPressed If (iButton == -1) Return Else Set bMessage to 0 If (iButton == 0) ; Door 1 PlaySound DoorSOUN Set bChooseOnce to 1 Player.MoveToMarker RefA ElseIf (iButton == 1) ; Door 2 PlaySound DoorSOUN Set bChooseOnce to 1 Player.MoveToMarker RefB ElseIf (iButton == 2) ; Door 3 PlaySound DoorSOUN Set bChooseOnce to 1 Player.MoveToMarker RefC ElseIf (iButton == 3) ; Do Nothing EndIf EndIfEnd