but wilst playing fallout 3 (i had never played the DLCs, and wanted to kill some of the time between now and November), and i couldn't help but keep thinking about how skyrim-esk features will carry on when they make fallout 4. To list a few...
Most notably, dual wielding pistols (alien blaster and firelance come to mind...)
Flight physics (can i haz virtabird?)
Bigger, more epic random encounters,
the large amount of clothing choices,
Radiant AI, and all it entails,
Post apocalyptic bar fights...
the shear amount of graphical enhancement (even if it will be squandered on dead trees and rubble :sadvaultboy: )
and the list goes on and on...
and of coarse, fallouts over the top perks (lvl 30: dual wild 2 handed weapons seams increasingly likely)
They might wait for the next gen consoles (by then ill probably be about most of the way done with Skyrim, ready to try playing "other games" again anyway... so thats all ok with me.)
Discus, my fellow fans.