» Wed Sep 14, 2011 12:16 pm
I agree, we need blocking with dual-wielding so that the combat style is more than whittling down each others health bars to see who has better armor or more health. It seems illogical that our character would have an inability to parry because he has something other than shield/torch in his other hand. Or, we need some info on some really great dodging/evasion mechanics we've previously heard nothing about.
The balance argument seems like a cop out to me. Really, if dual-wielding allowed you to block rather than stand there and exchange hits, would it be the only combat style worth using? As if all the other awesome combat styles would remain unused if dual-wielding allowed blocking. I thought this was an RPG, where you play different roles for the fun of it, not an action game where all that matters is optimal playstyles and metagaming to fully min-max a character. In Oblivion, there was little-to-no benefits to using just a single sword without a shield, but that didn't stop me from playing that way even if it wasn't optimal.
Maybe I'm misjudging how people normally play RPGs and/or TES games, and I apologize if I am, but TES has never been about creating perfectly optimal characters to me, but about testing different build ideas, playing out different characters and building different stories for those characters.