Oh my dear friend the Enclave

Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 2:36 am

What are some good Enclave enhancing mods for NV?

I played as a Brotherhood infiltrating sneak/psycho obsessed with science and exploration in FO3 and i want to carry over his LOVEEE for the Enclave over into NV

Help? I already know the Enclave is VERY thin in NV which pisses me off....but maybe there are some good mods out there so far?

Cant wait till the Enclave MQ overhaul is done for FO3!
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Post » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:26 pm

Enclave in FO3 was already an overkill, since they basically went to hell on Poseidon Oil Rig in Fallout 2.

As of being very thin, Obsidian, unlike Bethesda, didn't slap the lore across the face and did not made them play a major part in the game, since that's really cheap move (although Lonesome Road's America gimmick and "ED-Educated" achievement is unsettling).

But as far as modders' imagination goes, go ahead and try http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39531&navtag=file/images.php?id=39531&tab=3 mod. That one seems to be the most clever.

You can also type "Enclave" in search bar and go through those 4 pages.
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