Not the most easygoing gal. Not the most comfortable housing, too, and you can't stay overnight. Sarah Weintraub is much more fun.
For sheer relaxing, though, nothing beats camping out at dusk on the shore of Lake Las Vegas, near Camp Golf. Chief Hanlon is right; there's something awe-inspiring about watching the sun set over a body of water...
I like that gritty bad girl stuff. Sarah is a little too flaky, not bad for a drive-by though.
And yes you can spend the night at Lucy's. Although I think she stays in her quarters, after you go back there the first time. I guess that means no more betting on fights. Hmmm...I need to check on that.
EDIT : What ever the case, I think the OP was basing this on the assumption of you actually being the courier, rather than in-game mechanics and gameplay. Given that, I can easily see myself visiting the Thorn, rolling a few caps on some fights and then rolling a few caps on Red Lucy in a fight of our own...then... :snoring: