I just recently finished building my First pc and bought a few games, and noticed the graphics quality wasnt so good as i remembered on xbox360 such as bioshock. Deus Ex: HR doesnt look highly defined on on the highest resolution and on the best aa settings. Im wondering if getting things to look satistfieing on a pc is harder to do. I cant stand seeing this rough edges in small details, on the console I didnt see any rough edges at all, i dont understand, I thought that the PC would have better graphics or at least not less quality as any console. When Skyrim comes out and I see questionable quality, Im not going to happy. Please enlighten me, anyone....
AMD HD 6870
AMD Phenom II 4x 3.4ghz
8gb of ripjaws X ram
Is this even worth a comparison?? lol
I'm strictly a 360 gamer, and even I'll admit that the graphics on a PC will eviscerate the graphics on a console. lol
There really is no comparison. But fear not, OP. I'm sure that the PC version will have settings that will make your new rig work at capacity.