Couriers Stash DLC

Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:38 pm

Along with the Couriers Stash and the Gun Runners Arsenal I do like the idea of all the pre-order bonuses in one bundle but out of them all I only want the broad machete. I think that there should be Each Individual Pre-order Bonus for the game. charge it at like 160 (Microsoft Points) for Xbox Live, PSN and Steam for $2.00. That is what I think you (The Developers/ DLC People who make the GREAT stuff happen.) Should do. you could make more money but who knows how it will turn out?
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:46 pm

Do you have any pre-order DLC already? I have the Classic pack and I can honestly say that the Weathered 10 mm Pistol is the best starting weapon ever and the canteen is perfect for hardcoe mode. Why should they charge only one of the DLC packs at 160 MPs? All four packs combined cost 160 MPs.
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Taylah Illies
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