Left the colors to mark my way, like always…. in case some finds them, learns the pattern… the courier might.
3 on various Hexcrete blocks north of X-7a "Left Field" Artillery Launch and X-66 Hexcrete Archipelago
Door to Z-43 Innovative Toxins Plant
Side of filing cabinet in canyon NW of Signal Hills Transmitter
Door to Z-14 (Cazador lab)
Door to Securitron De-Construction Plant
Door to Y-17 Medical Facility
Door to Z-9 (nightstalker lab)
Wall in Boom Town
Wall of Hazmat Building
Door of X-2 Transmitter Array
Crate in canyon SW of North train tunnel
Locker on a trail leading into Big MT, NW of Little Yangtze
Crate just south of first one, on the ridge west of LY
Locker on a trail out of Big Mt south of X-7a "Left Field" Artillery
Side of a train car south of the North Train Tunnel
Side of a train car next to Mysterious Cave
Entrance door to North Tunnel
Front and rear doors to Z-38 Lightwave Dynamics Research
Door to control room of X-7a "Left Field" Artillery
Door to Saturnite Alloy Research Facility
Locker outside The Cuckoo's Nest
Door to Signal Hills Transmitter
Door to X-17 Meteorological Station
Floor of control room in X-17 (next to map of the Divide)
Inside the control booth of Waste Disintegration Platform
Locker outside Ulysses' Point