Won't be there for long. I watched it and it was aweosome, but the official forums are the worst place to post a link to a video that was taken down already
I would love that, to be honest. It would allow me to get a feel for all the various tweaking options in advance. That way, I wouldn't have to familiarize myself with the mechanics of it when I run Skyrim for the first time so I'd be able to make my character as quickly as possible and jump right into playing the game.
I would love that, to be honest. It would allow me to get a feel for all the various tweaking options in advance. That way, I wouldn't have to familiarize myself with the mechanics of it when I run Skyrim for the first time so I'd be able to make my character as quickly as possible and jump right into playing the game.
You can have a look at it! I just edited the link, it wasn't working for a moment because I changed the post to private.
If they showcased a female character being created, instead of the ever usual generic male only which never shows any improvements since male characters all tend to look the same - big muscles, low brow and usually a beard - then it would help with showing what improvements have been made to character creation for the Elder Scrolls series.
I will definitely be taking my jolly ole time cranking up the full potential of the Character Creator to create the most badarse looking Dovahkiin! :toughninja:
I'd have fun with it if it were issued, but I'd rather they spent their time polishing the game and then preparing to patch anything that doesn't quite make it into the gold version. I'll play with sliders Nov. 11.
I'd love that. I spend ages on my characters so to be able to design mine (and write down the toggles or whatever) and then get straight into the game once it arrives would be great. I don't really see it happening though.