Original Character Ideas?

Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:34 am

An elder scrolls version of james bond. Imperial with 1 handed weapons, light armour, alchemy, speechcraft and pickpocketing. No sneak or lockpicking.

Basically, the idea is to blend in with the crowd, and solve your problems with a silver tongue and a fine touch. If you want to break into something, you pickpocket the keys off the owner.
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James Hate
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:59 am

Ok sheesh, an Argonian who things he's an Imperial.

He thinks an imperial but BAM! He looks in the mirror and realises he's an Argonian and then BAM! He jumps off the throat of the world... :sadvaultboy:

I wanna make a character like that now too
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patricia kris
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:48 pm

=.= Original you say ? Let's see, a medieval type of rockstar bard with a two handed axe that doubles as an electric guitar, now where have I seen that before...

Ah, that's right L70ETC the undead guitarist.


You can't say your idea is not partially a rip-off from that.

I really dont follow World of Warcraft or L70ETC so I can honestly say that the undead guitarist from L70ETC was THE LAST thing I had on my mind when designing this character, I diddnt even know the character existed until you showed the pic. Even with D&D I always gave my Bard characters rockstar personalities and I have always wanted to see a medieval fantasy setting with more of a heavy metal/classical rock vibe. With the nordic theme of Skyrim if somebody were to give the game a bit more of a heavy metal overhaul this would be the perfect place to start and you gotta admit it is one of the more original ways to incorporate dragonshouts into the character's repertoire, it is certainly more interesting than a mace and shield weilding Khajiit.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:21 am

They are also known as "Black Widows', as they charm and lure their victims, then kill them intimately.

Would be cool if pickpocketing or sneaking on NPCs who like you would be easier, as they are not as attentive once they trust you.
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:27 am

I am having a really hard time deciding what to play. I might play a generic full mage argonian. Or a sword and board generic nord warrior.

Lately though i have been thinking about a stealthy dunmer who dual wields daggers to do damage and uses magic to manipulate the enemy.

He would focus on the trade skills at the start of the game and be a jack of all trades merchant. The guy would slowly get more combat oriented as he became more successful in the game and would eventually believe he might be the dragon born.A tradesman who gradually trains himself as an assassin.

He would use smithing,enchanting, and alchemy to make himself the best possible daggers and he would dual wield the enchanted/poisoned/upgraded svckers to put out insane damage.
I'm hoping poisons will be able to be made in a way that they stay on your weapon for more than one hit rather than being a 1 hit wonder overkill kind of deal. If poisons work the same way as in oblivion i might pass on alchemy.

Not sure which class i would call him.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:39 pm

One of my characters will be a male Altmer 'Enchanter'.
Recently he has been studying magical artifacts, which he likes to collect.
This interest lead him to enchanting and smithing.
A weapon of 'Silence', and defences against magical attacks are his main interests.
The hobby has made him rely more on the enchanted items during encounters, so he can compare the effectiveness (in order to improve his craft) versus casting spells.
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Tamika Jett
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:52 pm

An evil Dunmer!

... ehh.... I failed :<
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:34 pm

I really dont follow World of Warcraft or L70ETC so I can honestly say that the undead guitarist from L70ETC was THE LAST thing I had on my mind when designing this character, I diddnt even know the character existed until you showed the pic. Even with D&D I always gave my Bard characters rockstar personalities and I have always wanted to see a medieval fantasy setting with more of a heavy metal/classical rock vibe. With the nordic theme of Skyrim if somebody were to give the game a bit more of a heavy metal overhaul this would be the perfect place to start and you gotta admit it is one of the more original ways to incorporate dragonshouts into the character's repertoire, it is certainly more interesting than a mace and shield weilding Khajiit.

It's still been done in popular media which is what you were talking about when it comes to peoples character ideas, and I didn't make any claims that my character was original :P In fact I think I mentioned that I didn't think it was all that original.

It is a pretty interesting idea for the dragonshouts though, I'll admit that XD quite fitting for a heavy metal esque musician to shout down its opponents.

I would like to see a character in popular media that is alike to my character idea in details (and yes I realize the undead guitarist is not the same as your in details, only in rough drafts) and I'm quite sure it's out there somewhere, after all it's very hard to make something original these days, as proven by your idea having actually been done before in rough drafts despite being pretty unique (yes I admit to that too).
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