Smithing Perk Tree

Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:56 pm

I agree that it is rather boring, it is deffinately something that can be improved next elder scrolls. But right now there isn't much they could do for the perks because of non-breakable everything and enchanting.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:45 am

Im a fan of the smithing. Itll to not have to travel all.over just for a full set of any one armor. Also... Improving armor and weapons sounds great... Plus think of the profits...
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:08 am

Also, excuse my noobiness, but what does "improve by double" mean?

I think it means if a normal smith can improve say glass armor by 10%, if you have the glass armor perk you can improve it by 20%.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:16 pm

I think it means if a normal smith can improve say glass armor by 10%, if you have the glass armor perk you can improve it by 20%.

Omg that seems so obvious now :facepalm:

Thanks ^_^
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A Lo RIkIton'ton
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:10 pm

Pretty boring it is true. The low level ones may be prerequisites for the later ones, I really don't know.

I think you are right about the prerequisite part

But I think it is awesome... if you want the best armor in the game u will need to invest 10 of your perks into smithing.

Not every character will want to heavily invest in Smithing so I think its an awesome way for only certain players to be granted the best armor in the game

I just hope the game doesnt offer sets of armor that trump what a master smith can make....

I personally plan on making most of my characters masters of smithing and enchanting... and leveling up all the perks for each skill... maybe not on my first playthrough though... i want to make sure that the best armor / weapons in the game will be created by the player... and not found or claimed at the end of the main quest
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:24 am

I have the sneaky suspicion that you can only SMITH dragonbone armor. Kill dragon. Get bones. Make armor. I find it highly unlikely that some random shopkeep would have access to dragon bones... Just sayin

Likely true. And even if I could buy it, why wouldn't I want to make my stuff out of dragons I killed for myself?
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:48 am

Yeah the level ones are prerequisites and so on, it was confirmed. I'm worried that it will not be worth a whole perk to invest up to 2 points in steel smithing or any of the other low ones. I hope I'm wrong. I'm afraid the lower perks will just be used to get to the higher ones. Hopefully Bethesda made it worth while to invest in them but, ill be honest, i don't have much faith in them after oblivion's level scaling problems. Also, what if you invest all those points and eventually get dragon bone smithing only to realize dragon armor/weapons are as easy to find as daedric was in oblivion at high levels and smithing only becomes a way to slightly increase the number of your armor class.
We will have to wait and see, fingers crossed.

Hopefully we will get to customize which model we use for our weapons or something. And finding recipes or plans of items in chests would be great. I would love to make a unique item or two with smithing. That would be a dream come true. :celebrate:
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:09 am

Given that we can't get anywhere close to all the perks, we're going to have to pick and choose. Armorer perks make no sense to me, bc you can find someone to craft for you, it will just take coin. Since armor doesnt' degrade, find a master smith and allow him to craft you what you want. This free's up your perks for other skills, where NPC's in the world can't cover that skill for you. If you're going to fight with Marksman, or Stealth etc, you'd be better off putting your perk points there. Same thing with Enchant IMHO. I think Alchemy you could make a case for, but only bc you should be able to create better and larger quantity of poitions that you could find at an alchemist.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:32 pm

Why would I make armor when I can steal it :ninja: :toughninja:

Seriously though I dont see anything wrong with the smithing tree.
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Makenna Nomad
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:10 pm

I hate to be a "told you so" guy, but I feared things like that would happen. People will be really disappointed by perks because they don't live up to their expectations.
Perks offer next to nothing to specialize your character, they only cut your skillprogression into incremental steps.

I agree. In every other tree shown it has been 1/2 or more of the tree that was lame, the entire smithing tree is lame. Every single one of those perks should just be part of raising your skill. So if you have a 100 in smithing what all you can do is leather or iron or something? That is just a dumb system it almost totally negates the point of leveling a skill if you need to take perks to make it functional. You aren't getting a new cool ability, nothing to make you specialize your character, you are gaining the ability to be a smith which kind of been covered by you raising the skill to 100.
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Milagros Osorio
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 6:46 pm

I hate to be a "told you so" guy, but I feared things like that would happen. People will be really disappointed by perks because they don't live up to their expectations.
Perks offer next to nothing to specialize your character, they only cut your skillprogression into incremental steps.

Wow, since you've seen all the other skill trees, care to fill us in?


Anyway...with attributes all I did was put a point in a non tangible slot and go about my business, one level higher. With perks, we will get a tangible achievement, even if it's 'meh' to you- put a point in the smithing perk tree and now you can make daedric armor. I also saw 'shield bash' in the shield tree in the official video as he glossed over perks, that's a useable, tangible achievement instead of just getting one more point of block. Whoopee.

So shush.
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Post » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:21 pm

I agree. In every other tree shown it has been 1/2 or more of the tree that was lame, the entire smithing tree is lame. Every single one of those perks should just be part of raising your skill. So if you have a 100 in smithing what all you can do is leather or iron or something? That is just a dumb system it almost totally negates the point of leveling a skill if you need to take perks to make it functional. You aren't getting a new cool ability, nothing to make you specialize your character, you are gaining the ability to be a smith which kind of been covered by you raising the skill to 100.

Please see my above post, and to add...what was the big thrill with attributes? Standing in the wilderness spamming heal spell to level my restoration was sooo much fun? Jumping in place over and over? Swinging a sword at 100 mudcrabs just to get some points? And then what- well now I'm strong enough to play the game. Yay...

Sure, smithing may not seem overwhelming, but we don't know what the other perks are yet. As I mention above, the shield/block tree has an actual learned skill you wouldn't otherwise get from just levelling block, so we WILL be getting exclusive skills through the tree, opening up the game for more replay value.

As far as your kinda ridiculous anology goes, I'll bite...I drive every day. I have for years, I do it over and over again. In a previous TES game, that would skill up my Driving, giving me access to motorcycles, boats, 18 wheelers, even though I haven't trained in their use at all. Perks make more sense- it's like going to a special skills trainer who teaches you HOW you can use those 100 points, instead of just mindlessly skilling them up.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:58 am

I agree. In every other tree shown it has been 1/2 or more of the tree that was lame, the entire smithing tree is lame. Every single one of those perks should just be part of raising your skill. So if you have a 100 in smithing what all you can do is leather or iron or something? That is just a dumb system it almost totally negates the point of leveling a skill if you need to take perks to make it functional. You aren't getting a new cool ability, nothing to make you specialize your character, you are gaining the ability to be a smith which kind of been covered by you raising the skill to 100.

Before you get too downbeat, the fact that you need to invest in perks to unlock the ability to smith new materials almost certainly that improving your Smithing skill will have an additional effect. We don't know what that is yet, but there is 0% chance that Bethesda would have included Smithing as a skill if there was no point raising it.

What I hope it doesn't mean is that you just need to level Smithing to 50 to unlock perk 4, 60 to unlock perk 5 etc... It wouldn't be the end of the world if that were the case, especially if the armours available through Smithing are worth the effort, but it would be a bit bland.

Let's not forget though, Todd has said in interviews that he's especially excited about the potential of the Smithing system.
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