Just because you can't block,using dual wield and sword and spell,doesn't mean it's lacking or boring......that in my opinion it's "you" that's the problem.
lets think your suggestions thorugh:
You can run
You can dodge--- that's not very effective. also doing it looks rediculous, if u ask me. it just isnt realistic and doesnt look anything like melee fighting. it makes combat look like how COD makes firefights look - cartoony and game-y. just my opinion on the matter. but besides bashing with the hilt it's one of the only 2 good points here.
You can use defensive magic---- that's like using a shield. if the magic is used to block than i will just use a shield or empty hand. i want a magic that does something OTHER than block.
You can slow/weaken with offensive magic----- that is, AGAIN, attacking attacking attacking. clicking both triggers over and over again in a strictly one minded strategy.
You can switch thing's quickly---- cumbersome, as stated before. more cumbersome than it needs to be. more cumbersome than in any other game where u can use magic and weapon. BUT, as i said before - it's likely to be what i will be doing. gain distance, use magic, switch to blocking option.
You can think about your enemy----- i think that he is attacking and im just gonna stand there....
bust seriously, if it's an enemy that i shouldnt attack from close range than i will attack from long range and this discussion is not about the shortcomings of long range combat. this is a discussion about how lacking close melee combat will look without blocking. so this point is irrelevant if that's what u meant.
You could use things around you.---- like run behind a chair? than how can i attack from there? get back from behind the chair? that sounds effective to you?
besides, using the environment is being at the mercy of the landscape. it makes the warrior dependent on his environment and can't be used anywhere. also this is not some kind of action game that allows u to REALLY utelize objects around you. it's very ineffective, especially in 1st person view. it's not a reliable way of defending oneself. and taking cover behind pillars or walls is great for long range. we're talking about melee here.
Youcan sometimes stop their attacks with your own attacks......many ways.---- again - button mashing. mindless button mashing. besides, there is no way this can work. if any attack by the player stopped the enemies from attacking by cancelling their animation than combat was too easy as u can just attack with no risk of being attacked back cuz the enemy would stagger until dead.
we've already seen that this doesnt always work.
sadly bethesda made it so attacked enemies just attack through the player's attacks. it's a stupid way of doing it. what they SHOULD HAVE DONE is once the enemy is being attacked the AI blocks, causing the player to stagger backwards and THEN the enemy attacks back.
i might be wrong about how it's done in Skyrim but that's how it kinda looks like it in the videos and have little faith in combat in skyrim.
The IQ level is plummeting in my opinion,people don't think enough....plain and simple------ you are right.... ppl just answer without thinking. im losing faith myself :hubbahubba: