» Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:06 am
My current pure melee char is blowing through everything. your starting specs should reflect your playstyle and plan where you want to be.
I know panda is fond of the build, but I disagree with the traits. Heavy Handed is a must and i would much rather take Skilled over Good Natured. GN actually takes 5 off of your Melee skill. The -10% in Xps, from the Skilled trait is easily made up, by sleeping in an owned bed.
My psycho killer started out with
L-9 ( most melee don't really have much of a crit damage, even more so with Heavy Handed, but I'm a Luck nut. Luck affects more than just crits, like the amount and kind of loot found as well as enemy misses. I believe it also contributes to enemies getting knocked down.
With tagged skills in, Melee - Sneak - Survival
He walked out of Doc's office with an HP of 300 and a Melee of 45 and by level 7, it was at 100. At his current level 8, his Repair and Sneak is 50 and a Survival of 55.
EDIT : This is my projected list of Perks for the psycho melee killer
2 Confirmed Bachelor
4 Cannibal
6 Toughness ( Melee at 97 )
8 Super Slam
10 Stonewall
12 Sile Running ( easily meet the requirements by level 8)
14 Jury Rigging ( Repair at 90 - this takes calculated planning )
16 Unst Force
18 Toughness
20 TGood Eatin
22 Bloody Mess
24 Slayer ( Unarmed at 90 - this is the only required unarmed perk in the list )
26 Life Giver
28 Ad Skeleton
30 ?
Starting weapons were the 9 Iron ( this thing has a special move, that can be done in and out of vats, dealing a head shot and often knocking down enemies that it doesn't kill outright )
The other weapon I used more than any, was the Lead Pipe. That thing has a special move that will one shot every Humanoid enemy that has light armor.