Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle vs This Machine

Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:36 pm

I've been using the Sniper++ (then Christine's COS when I get to OWB) as my sneak critical sniper rifle, but I found that under performs as an all-purpose weapon, especially after the balancing changes made to the snipers and the .308 hand loaded ammo made a few patches ago.

It seems the Gobi Campaign Rifle is good for rapid sniping at long distances and is good for high luck critical builds, while This Machine is better for medium to close range because of the larger clip size and re reduced AP cost for VATS. This Machine is pretty heavy though 9.5, so it's unaffected by the Heavyweight perk :confused: so It's impractical to carry the COS, Gobi AND That Machine, so I'll have to make a choice between the Gobi and That Machine for my loadout.

Any thoughts and opinions are appreciated... :thumbsup:
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:43 pm

I've found the Gobi Sniper to be useless, since its not silenced, I threw it away and just use the standard Sniper.

This Machine is amazing imo, the damage is good, ROF is good, mag capacity is pretty good. Only downside is that the accuracy isnt so great.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:04 pm

Sorry to veer off subject a bit, but where do i find This Machine. I love the Gobi though but must admit, i like my scoped hunting rifle a bit more.
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Lavender Brown
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:14 pm

I wish This Machine had a scope otherwise I would use that more often. Nothing I like more in the Fallout games than looking down the scope and picking heads off your enemies. I don't like like silencers, the best part of a gun is its loud discharge. :flamethrower:
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:23 am

I've found the Gobi Sniper to be useless, since its not silenced, I threw it away and just use the standard Sniper.

This Machine is amazing imo, the damage is good, ROF is good, mag capacity is pretty good. Only downside is that the accuracy isnt so great.

Yeah the spread is not so good compared to the other bolt action and lever action rifles, but I have to agree, the damage and the ROF is amazing enough that you don't have to pray for a crit...

Sorry to veer off subject a bit, but where do i find This Machine. I love the Gobi though but must admit, i like my scoped hunting rifle a bit more.

It's in Camp McCarran, there's a quest associated with it though.

I wish This Machine had a scope otherwise I would use that more often. Nothing I like more in the Fallout games than looking down the scope and picking heads off your enemies. I don't like like silencers, the best part of a gun is its loud discharge. :flamethrower:

A Scoped Hunting Rifle is the closest thing you can get to a scoped "This Machine", though that can change once GRA comes out... :)
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elliot mudd
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:56 am

Sorry to veer off subject a bit, but where do i find This Machine. I love the Gobi though but must admit, i like my scoped hunting rifle a bit more.

Camp Mcarran, you have to find a guy called Contreras whos right at the back of the place. The easiest way to get it is hack his computer then turn the evidence into Boyd.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:28 pm

I wish This Machine had a scope otherwise I would use that more often. Nothing I like more in the Fallout games than looking down the scope and picking heads off your enemies. I don't like like silencers, the best part of a gun is its loud discharge. :flamethrower:

I don't like silenced sniper rifles either, takes away the effect, sweet sweet crack of a round going down the chamber. lovely jubbly.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:22 am

CCOSSR is the best option hands down. It doesnt have a silencer but outperforms That machine greatly with its critical chance of X2.5, And Gobi rifle with its high damage.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:07 am

Scoped weapons are generally not good as general purpose. The scope is great for sniping but a major hindrance for close-range work.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:22 am

That's why you switch to a handgun or a shotgun for those up close and personal encounters.
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Andrea P
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:23 pm

Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle.......because when you sneak around with it, it doesn't clip in the ground or through rocks and walls like the long muzzled Silenced Sniper and Christine's COS Silenced Rifle. The Gobi also looks cooler and sounds cooler, silencers are useless unless you are up close...and when I am up close I act like a true professional with a Silenced 12.7 mm or .45 caliber or a Tomahawk. The Gobi also does more damage than Christine's Rifle and This Machine if you do a critical hit, which you will be doing since it is a sniper rifle. So on very hard, the Gobi will take out anything short of a Deathclaw in one shot, if you take a psycho with Armor Piercing rounds you can kill any Deathclaw with ease. The Gobi gives you a hardened rifle with amazing critical damage kill unsurpassed by any other rifle except the Anti-Material rifle, although if you take a psycho the Gobi becomes an Anti-material rifle with much more common ammo, good durability, and a fraction of the weight.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:22 am

CCOSSR is an absurd acronym
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:46 am

I've never used This Machine consistently, the spread is just not acceptable for what I'm looking for in a sniper and I don't use it as a mid-range weapon since the Brush Gun is so much better in many ways. I don't really think this is a valid comparison. None of this actually matters to me since I have now stopped using the Gobi for Christine's COS silencer rifle.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 6:38 am

Why are you using JSP ammo anyway? That stuff got nerfed into total uselessness a few patches ago. HP ammo is what you should be using 90% of the time with the odd AP round against the really high (18+) DT enemies.

Back to .308 weapons, the choice is really easy, use only the COS SR as it's both suppressed and the highest DAM of all three weapons. GCSR doesn't have a silencer and This Machine is a pop gun with it's low DAM. All you need then is a pile of HP rounds and a smaller pile of AP rounds. Being a DLC weapon you don't have to worry about Obsidian taking your fun away with a heavy handed nerf.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:00 pm

CCOSSR is the best option hands down. It doesnt have a silencer but outperforms That machine greatly with its critical chance of X2.5, And Gobi rifle with its high damage.

IIRC The COS Rifle is Silenced. It's great for High Luck/Crit players, but if your mark survives the first shot and is able to close in the ROF terrible. :sadvaultboy:

Scoped weapons are generally not good as general purpose. The scope is great for sniping but a major hindrance for close-range work.

Normally I'd agree with you the scope zoom gets in the way up close, even with the short range scopes on the 9mm and the Hunting Revolver; But the Gobi does surprisingly well at closer ranges if you can aim/shoot from the hip without the aid of iron sights... :gun:

Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle.......because when you sneak around with it, it doesn't clip in the ground or through rocks and walls like the long muzzled Silenced Sniper and Christine's COS Silenced Rifle. The Gobi also looks cooler and sounds cooler, silencers are useless unless you are up close...and when I am up close I act like a true professional with a Silenced 12.7 mm or .45 caliber or a Tomahawk. The Gobi also does more damage than Christine's Rifle and This Machine if you do a critical hit, which you will be doing since it is a sniper rifle. So on very hard, the Gobi will take out anything short of a Deathclaw in one shot, if you take a psycho with Armor Piercing rounds you can kill any Deathclaw with ease. The Gobi gives you a hardened rifle with amazing critical damage kill unsurpassed by any other rifle except the Anti-Material rifle, although if you take a psycho the Gobi becomes an Anti-material rifle with much more common ammo, good durability, and a fraction of the weight.

Thanks for the tips, The dessert camo is definitely choice in terms of looks and I always thought the silenced snipers looked awkward when holstered, especially when using Power Armor. I'll consider using the Gobi as my primary once I get a steady supply of psycho flowing or if I decide to build a high luck/crit character.

CCOSSR is an absurd acronym

Indeed! :blink: I usually abbreviate it to the COS Rifle, which is close enough that everyone knows what I'm talking about...

I've never used This Machine consistently, the spread is just not acceptable for what I'm looking for in a sniper and I don't use it as a mid-range weapon since the Brush Gun is so much better in many ways. I don't really think this is a valid comparison. None of this actually matters to me since I have now stopped using the Gobi for Christine's COS silencer rifle.

Basically, I'm using the COS rifle for my long range sniping, it's silenced and does great in terms of critical damage, but when I'm outnumbered and they start to close in the low ROF makes it terrible when shooting from the hip. Switching to the Gobi or This Machine usually does the trick in those cases and since they share the same ammo type, I don't have to carry a different ammo type, which is important because I play on hardcoe mode and the ammo has weight.

Why are you using JSP ammo anyway? That stuff got nerfed into total uselessness a few patches ago. HP ammo is what you should be using 90% of the time with the odd AP round against the really high (18+) DT enemies.

Back to .308 weapons, the choice is really easy, use only the COS SR as it's both suppressed and the highest DAM of all three weapons. GCSR doesn't have a silencer and This Machine is a pop gun with it's low DAM. All you need then is a pile of HP rounds and a smaller pile of AP rounds. Being a DLC weapon you don't have to worry about Obsidian taking your fun away with a heavy handed nerf.

I use JSP over Normal for the extra DAM, but I'm not a huge fan of the increased CND degradation to the weapons. Sometimes I'm lazy though and just fire the normal .308 rounds and just hand load the spent casings to JSP.

Since I can't hand load .308 HP or AP ammo, I'm basically stockpiling them and saving them for the endgame or a tough DLC like OWB (or possibly LR).
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liz barnes
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 5:07 am

This Machine.

I have never actually bothered to get the Scout Rifle.

Then again, I am not a sniper. I prefer mid to close-range combat. If I see a good vantage point, I will indeed snipe, but it is certainly not my primary combat focus. I prefer close range stealth or 'run n' gun' with a few plasma grenades here and there.
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Bigze Stacks
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:28 am

I'd use the COS sniper if it was me, I've never really cared for This Machine that much and even though I love the Gobi and I'd rather use it there's no way I'm sinking 100 points into lockpick just to get it.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:31 am

That Machine for close/ short range, and COS for sniping.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:02 am

I think the Gobi is better by far for a high crit build with better crits. It does the most damage of all three guns with beter crits.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:15 am

TM. Simple.

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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:54 pm

I use JSP over Normal for the extra DAM, but I'm not a huge fan of the increased CND degradation to the weapons. Sometimes I'm lazy though and just fire the normal .308 rounds and just hand load the spent casings to JSP.

Since I can't hand load .308 HP or AP ammo, I'm basically stockpiling them and saving them for the endgame or a tough DLC like OWB (or possibly LR).

Don't turn in Contreras next time to get "This Machine" quickly. He stocks the most .308 HP/AP ammo (300-400 rounds each) in the game. Even better you can get all that expensive ammo for free with some exploiting of the Quick Save/Reload system and a single Stealthboy.

I think the Gobi is better by far for a high crit build with better crits. It does the most damage of all three guns with beter crits.

COS SR will score more critical hits as it has a 0.5x advantage in critical hit chance. GCSR only has a 13 point damage advantage over the COS SR with a normal critical hit after factoring in "Better Criticals" for both.
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David Chambers
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:46 pm

Why don't you ditch both and use the holo rifle win
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