A new energy weapon build

Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:14 am

Hi, im planning on making a new guy with energy weapons as the main combat skill, but is their a E-weapon thats decent and easy to get at early levels and not to far from goodsprings?
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Elizabeth Lysons
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:27 am

You can get a Laser Rifle in Nipton, don't know if there's anything earlier. EW early game is significantly harder than Guns, although not as bad as it used to be.
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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:12 am

You can get a Laser Rifle in Nipton, don't know if there's anything earlier. EW early game is significantly harder than Guns, although not as bad as it used to be.

thanks man! if anyone knows of other E-weapons close by, then dont be shy!
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:58 pm

There's a plasma pistol in one of the Bizon Steve hotel rooms (Primm). In a cabinet.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:44 am

Keep your criticals as high as possible. And you will have to use lower level weapons of other skills , like the varmint rifle. And theres a chance you may get Laser RCW or even Plasma rifle in bison and steve hotel, it changes every time.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:08 am

Pretty sure when you first wake up, in the house theres a shelf with like a Laser pistol or something, and some ammo ^^. Just poke around. But, I may be wrong, and it turns out its just a regular pistol. Havent made a new account in awhile :/
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 9:09 am

Buy a shovel from Chet, go to the yangste war memorial to the east, there will be 3 graves, use the shovel to open the middle one; it will have a plasma rifle or an incinerator.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:23 am

If your starting stats are pro Ew, Doc will give you a Laser Pistol. Sometimes Chet will have a Plasma Pistol or Rifle for sale, at the start.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:33 pm

Best way to get good Energy weapons early on is from Bright Brotherhood corpses. After level 8, they spawn powerful mid-tier guns like Plasma Defenders and Laser RCWs.

You will find your first Laser pistol at Doc Mitchell's house. Don't underestimate it; the damage is weak but it shoots fast and the clip is large. Still worse than a 9mm though, so you may want to start out using Guns and switch to Energy later on.

Chet may sell a Recharger Rifle, which is a great beginner's gun as it uses no ammo, or a Plasma pistol.

Goodsprings cave, not far from Victor's shack, has two corpses. One is a Bright Brotherhood corpse that spawns level-dependent energy weapons, one of the others usually has a Laser pistol.

One of the graves at the Yangtze memorial contains a plasma rifle. Beware the Giant Radscorpions though.

Eddie at the NCRCF has a Plasma pistol.

Convict leader inside the Bison Steve in Primm has an Incinerator, which is an energy weapon. If you meet the ST requirements, it may be a fun choice of gun.

There's a Bright Brotherhood corpse under the bridge on the way to Sloan, and another at the Nipton Road Reststop, at the foot of the gas station sign.

There are two Laser rifles and a Plasma pistol in Nipton, and an Energy weapon can spawn in the locked gun cabinet inside Nipton Townhall.

There's lots of Bright Brotherhood corpses near and inside the REPCONN test site; if you're above level 8, they spawn three types of weapons- Plasma Defenders, Recharger Pistols and Laser RCWs. All three are great.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:43 am

At the start just use guns or melee or what ever. There is no real difference between a 15 skill and a 35 skill. Just use the best weapon you find. A lead pipe will kill things a lot faster then a recharger rifle! Even with a low melee skill. Latter once you get a high skill level and max charge ammo it is a different story. But in the begining just use the best weapon you find - regardless of what it is.
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:38 pm

Best way to get good Energy weapons early on is from Bright Brotherhood corpses. After level 8, they spawn powerful mid-tier guns like Plasma Defenders and Laser RCWs.

You will find your first Laser pistol at Doc Mitchell's house. Don't underestimate it; the damage is weak but it shoots fast and the clip is large. Still worse than a 9mm though, so you may want to start out using Guns and switch to Energy later on.

Chet may sell a Recharger Rifle, which is a great beginner's gun as it uses no ammo, or a Plasma pistol.

Goodsprings cave, not far from Victor's shack, has two corpses. One is a Bright Brotherhood corpse that spawns level-dependent energy weapons, one of the others usually has a Laser pistol.

One of the graves at the Yangtze memorial contains a plasma rifle. Beware the Giant Radscorpions though.

Eddie at the NCRCF has a Plasma pistol.

Convict leader inside the Bison Steve in Primm has an Incinerator, which is an energy weapon. If you meet the ST requirements, it may be a fun choice of gun.

There's a Bright Brotherhood corpse under the bridge on the way to Sloan, and another at the Nipton Road Reststop, at the foot of the gas station sign.

There are two Laser rifles and a Plasma pistol in Nipton, and an Energy weapon can spawn in the locked gun cabinet inside Nipton Townhall.

There's lots of Bright Brotherhood corpses near and inside the REPCONN test site; if you're above level 8, they spawn three types of weapons- Plasma Defenders, Recharger Pistols and Laser RCWs. All three are great.

Nice list. I also think there's a chance to spawn leveled energy weapons in the locked locker at
Jean Sky Dive.

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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:16 am

if you are on a PC get the Project Nevada mod. It adds a lot of great features and gives EW's a nice spread of balanced weapons to choose from and makes EW just as viable as the guns skill in my opinion. You may read that it can make the game harder, but you have a choice as to whether you want to use the parts that increase difficulty.
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