Now, we all love the Whodunit quest for the Dark Brotherhood. But really, how fun is it after the first few goes? Sooner or later, the same old thing just gets boring. One thing I noticed is that no matter what your character looked like, the other guests still never suspected that you could be the killer. You could have been wearing full Daedric or Madness and the little Breton lady would still think you were joking when you announced that you were there to kill them. And walking through towns, shouldn't people take note that you are wearing a skull [The Bloodworm Helm or Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw] for a helmet? When invisible, should people just chat with you without giving it a second thought?
Now don't get me wrong, Fallout NV did have disguises programmed. If you dressed like a Boomer, people thought you were a Boomer. But it got annoying that everyone against the Boomers shot at you on-sight. I think that if you put on a suit of Legion armor in Skyrim people should think that you were a member, and treat you like one. For example, you can relieve a guard of his duties or have guard-ly conversations with others, or maybe even arrest people or shake people down. Children should flee in terror if you walk near them in some dark, evil-looking armor, and people should be slightly intimidated.