Inspired by the same things that inspired Tolkien and Jackson, but I wouldn't say that Skyrim is directly inspired by LotR.
Some of it is. Yes, much of the similarities are simply due to them sharing influence from actual myths and legends of Earth folkore, but some things are straight out of Tolkien. Orcs were essentially lost to history until Tolkien revived them, and the common conceptualization of The Orc, name, appearance et. al is directly influenced by Tolkien, the Oxford Proffessor who dug that word out of annals of lost lore and dead language that most people had and have no appreciable knowledge of. You can bet your money that the Bethesda orc came from direct Tolkien inspiration, and not because someone on the writing team dug out the rare, obscure, 1500 year old scraps of text, in Old English and Old Nordic, Gaellic etc., mind you, that the Professor was taking inspiration from. The devs have specifically cited Lord of The Rings as a huge influence on their work, along with tales like Conan, so there is no need to pretend that the games are somehow void of Lord of The Rings influence. That influnce is NOT a bad thing.