Plus there would be snow probably towards the north of there and there would be creatures none have ever saw before plus I can imagine it:
A city torn apart by nukes and an everlasting Freezing Cold... a Desolate and Void land scorched by Ice and Lost Hopes of humanity...
As you fight to survive from the Elements of the Freezing C0LD, Starvation, sleep deprivation and H20 as you cross scorched parts of land eradiated for centuries (there would be a brand new element to survive from instead of being stuck in a sand storm(which dont do anything accept you cant see).
there would be somteimes a random blizzards that if in them to long could freeze your character to death unless you have heavy armor or sometype that was layered and even then you need to find shelter or have heating pad's or campfire lol:P.
what do you think i think it be fun and of coarse that would only be on hard core mode unless you dont want to? lol sound good or not?