hardcoe preferences

Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:55 pm

So hello forums, my first post here. I wanted to ask, since I am starting a hardcoe save soon, what food and drink items do you recommend to use and any advice you can give me on playing in hardcoe mode. I am quite an experienced player, Im just a little unsure on hardcoe mode. So; any good guns or weapons and food and water to recommend me to use? any advice would be greatly appreciated ^^
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:31 pm

1. Get OWB (if you have OWB, skip to step 2)
2. Take "Them's Good Eatin" perk (if you have this perk, skip to step 3)
3. Kill some enemies.
4. ??????
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Joie Perez
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:18 pm

Geckos are plentiful. And they cook up nicely.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:03 pm

And they taste great.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:40 am

I always play hardcoe and I make sure I have a good supply of Purified water and Brahmin Steaks on me at all times. 20-25 Purified waters is well worth the investment, cuz there are periods in the game where u will find water hard to come by. And brahmin or Bighorner steaks make for a good meal and give a strength bonus, so u can also use em if u need a bit of extra carrying strength.

On weapons it's difficult to say, it depends on the build really. I do always go for the Chance's Knive (awesome melee weapon for the 1 pound weight) or spiked knuckles when I'm using unarmed. It's great for easy enemies and u don't waste ammo. If ur rolling with a guns specialist I always find the All-American to be one of the best allround weapons, I can pretty much handle 95% of the game with that gun and ammo isn't that hard to come by.
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:15 pm

1. Get OWB (if you have OWB, skip to step 2)
2. Take "Them's Good Eatin" perk (if you have this perk, skip to step 3)
3. Kill some enemies.
4. ??????

Congratulations, you are the winner of the most irrelevant, meaningless and POINTLESS response award of this century. WOW :trophy:
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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 1:55 pm

The two most important perks for hardcoe mode are:
Strong Back - Good for either mode, but I'd consider it vital for hardcoe.
Pack rat - Useless in normal mode, but even more vital then the other one in hardcoe.

Ammo weight was always my biggest problem in hardcoe and Pack Rat goes a long way to alleviating that issue.
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Kayla Keizer
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:57 pm

I like flies... juicy... survival skill is helpfull obiviously.
Never used the perks above. Ammo restriction is the funniest part of hardcoe mode actually...
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kristy dunn
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:48 pm

seriously water, food or sleep aren't a problem without mod. Keep a few bottle of water (5?), and get your survival skill high enough to make desert salad (preaty easy to find ingredients, and don't weight much). Energy weapon are easier to cope with since you got only one amunition (three, but easely transformable). Otherwise, stick to a few weapons, even with solid shells it's annoying, but not really a problem. You just need to think before picking shells : will I get some use for it? now or later? transformed or not? as you know the game shouldn't be difficult...
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:21 am

I like flies... juicy... survival skill is helpfull obiviously.
Never used the perks above. Ammo restriction is the funniest part of hardcoe mode actually...

I tend to agree. I use hardcoe mode for the ammo weights and it's affects on healing. The eating, sleeping, drinking stuff? That aspect I once heard aptly described as Tamagotchi Mode.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:30 am

Best food for no skill investment in survival would be Bloatfly slider, it reduces your dehydration, hunger and gives u moderate health. Most importantly, its easy to come by (alot of bloatflies can be found near primm). Also it needs only 20 survival skill. Also it weighs very little.

As someone already mentioned, pack rat would be very important, not only would it let u carry more ammo, food and water items also weigh alot less. Besides you get to invest in barter skill, which allows you alot of dialogue options and cheaper goods.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sat Sep 17, 2011 4:01 pm

So hello forums, my first post here. I wanted to ask, since I am starting a hardcoe save soon, what food and drink items do you recommend to use and any advice you can give me on playing in hardcoe mode. I am quite an experienced player, Im just a little unsure on hardcoe mode. So; any good guns or weapons and food and water to recommend me to use? any advice would be greatly appreciated ^^

With a decent Survival skill, you'll get along nicely by gathering all those pricky pear fruits, Mojave agave's and banana yucca fruits.
If you compare the weight-to-effects, you'll notice that 1 WU worth of pricky pears provides several times the H2O provided by a single bottle of purified water and fruits are never scarce...
Collecting/buying dirty water bottles and turning them into purified ones is also a good source of income...
Weapons in hardcoe are no worse/better than normal, you only won't be able to carry an arsenal of them with you, thus choose those that suits you best and have fun :D
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:53 am

The two most important perks for hardcoe mode are:
Strong Back - Good for either mode, but I'd consider it vital for hardcoe.
Pack rat - Useless in normal mode, but even more vital then the other one in hardcoe.

Ammo weight was always my biggest problem in hardcoe and Pack Rat goes a long way to alleviating that issue.

I personally disagree on this one, I never use these perks. But I have to say my chars all have strength between 7-8 and 9-10 at the end of the game so maybe that's why I don't need them. I never have ammo weight problems tbh, if anything I have problems with the stuff I loot in the wastes, but companions come in handy as well. I usually have ED-E carry some backup ammo.

There are really no most important perks but there are handy ones, the ones above I can imagine being handy for players who go solo or have low strength. I always find light-step comes in handy, especially in the Dead Money DLC cuz u'll get crippled a lot otherwise and it's a pain to get ur hands on doctor's bags/hydra's. Also, on that subject, never throw away Hydra's cuz they can restore ur limbs and don't weigh anything. U can get addicted but this only happend once to me and if u carry a fixer it's never a problem. Give a couple of Doctor's Bags to ED-E as a backup and u won't have any criple problems again.

Finally I'd say to try and use sneak attack criticals, one bullet can really hurt or instantly kill an enemy that way which helps towards conserving ammo and increasing the time u can wander before going back/to a merchant to get more ammo.
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