WBR...The Blood Magic of Fall Out! I love that stuff.
Other than that, it's...mass pur H2O and poisons. For now it's WRK, untill I pick up JR. My current char, is heavy in survival. So I will be doing more and more crafting, as the game progresses.
Weapon Repair kits, Slashers, Rockets, Stimpacks, Bighorner/Brahmin Stakes. On one playthrough I also made a lot of purified water from prickly pear fruits or dirty waters, but I never do that anymore tbh. There seems to be enough supply in the wastes and for sale at merchants.
WRK, Slasher, Rocket, Stimpacks, various ammo, Doctor's Bags, Bloatfly sliders, desert salad, Trail Mix, Wasteland Tequila. This is my first character with high Survival so I'm trying all sorts of things.
I was just at a campfire, crafting some more WBRs. Looking through the list, I can tell you right now...Black Blood Sausage, will be right up there. ( 35 HPs for 20 sec ) I may just be able to take on the Leg B Fly, with ole Sandwich Head.
I used to do food-only characters...i.e. no stimpacks, so I have every food recipe memorized....also a tip, it's good to store your food recipes at the shack near the Boomer Base (Field's Shack), it has a campfire right at the front.
Currently I heal with stimpacks for combat only.....but outside combat I am feeding on Super Mutants / Ghouls/ and Humans.....I'll buy Caravan Lunches / Gecko Kabobs / Trail Mix from NCR Armory master for outside combat healing but I don't carry any other food items, I like to travel light as possible.
Slasher Various Poisons Sierra Madre Martini Turbo WRKs Max Charge/ Over Charge ECP, MFC, and SEC. Powder Charge (good for exploding pants) Sierra Madre Chips Various Hand Load Ammos.
Bleak Venom, lots and lots of Bleak Venom. I never let any Cazador gland go to waste.. Bark Scorpions are easy to find and regenerate after a few days.
But adding Bleak Venom to a Ballistic Fist or Oh, baby! usually you can just punch/smash the idiot 1 time, and just watch there little life fade right in front of you.
Gecko hides! I removed the turpintine requirement and now I feel like a real hunter
If they reduced the Golden Gecko Tan Hide requirement from 2 turpentines to 1, I would probably tan more hides as a result. If I have a character that has 65+ survival skill I always tan golden gecko hides.
Caravan Lunches, exclusively. I don't bother to gather ingredients for ammo and caravan lunches take care of much of my consumable needs. Plus my characters, like I, are teetotal and don't use drugs.
Weapon Repair kits, Stimpacks and Sierra Madre Slugs. A lot of times I just hoard a lot of potential components and then walk up to a workbench/campfire etc and see what I can craft.