[ most of the information is literal so the quest plot isnt spoiled

1. You complete a rescue mission. The captive thanks you, journals update and he offers to teleport you out of there using his mind/willpower/spell.
2. To do this, the final dialogue entry has a Journal updater, Startscript function (which should start the script posted below) and a Goodbye.
3. The script is then meant to wait 5 seconds (while he gets ready) before teleporting you to the cell and coordinates.
However upon testing it.. nothing happened. I clicked goodbye and nothing happened.
I'll admit i have little experience working with timers in scripts, usually because i can normally work around them and to be honest i probably dont even need the delay (as it could just send you off immediately) but i thought this might be a good time to learn.
Here's the script. Dont worry about the coordinates which ive censored just to maintain complete non-spoiler-ness

Begin alx_o_tharys_teleport_SCRPTFloat timerSet timer to ( timer + GetSecondsPassed )If ( timer > 5 ) Player->Position, [censored] Journal alx_o_JE6 70 "alx_o_captive_IN"->disableendifStopScript alx_o_tharys_teleport_SCRPTEnd
- i suspect that i should also perhaps be using the PositionCell function, instead of Position.. my head says there shouldnt be a problem, but i am tp-ing to an external cell so maybe someone in the know can comment on this.
- im also not sure about how timers work when a menu is open (like the dialogue screen). Will the timer wait til the menu is closed? Or will it start even before i press Goodbye? If thats the case i suppose i should put in a check for that so it waits.... hmm
Obviously if you feel like rewriting the script to demonstrate what you are talking about that would probably be the most benefit