» Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:32 am
When born under the Atronach your mana does not replenish.
you will need to drink manapotions ->
Those can be bought at many shops in many towns, their effect is INSTANT (usefull)
if you not want to BUY these I suggest making your own potions :
for ingredients to use look here :
potions you make yourself have an effect over time, takes getting used to, but I find the effect good (if you drink one just before going into battle your mana keeps growing back, during battle, and when it's effect runs our, just tab, and drink a fresh one)
Alternative sources of magic for you are welkynd stones (though they are limited, almost 700 of them can be found in the entire game, would use them as a backup for pots and not your prime source though):
There are wells providing a free recharge of your mana :
Also you can buy an absorb mana spell (so you can leech the many of monster you fight, works quite good)
enchanting your gear with spell absorbtion (to boost further the abolity for that) could also work well.