Ok i wont argue anymore cuz what ur saying makes no sense, just by saying its ok to compare games made in 2011 to 2006 just cuz they run on same platform is very stupid,but ok if you can compare it to Oblivion i guess its ok to compare it to the games i typed and guess what all of the those games i typed have much better water than Skyrim so end of story.( i can tell you another 10 more games that have much better water but you get the point)
What you do not seem to understand is the games you listed are
NOT OPEN WORLD they are closed linear games that have multiple maps that load in and out thus able traded the size for graphics. Also you cannot compare
EXCLUSIVE PLATFORM TITLES to multiplatform ones because the production of a exclusive title is focused on one platform not 2 or 3.
One game you can compare too Oblivion and Skyrim is Just Cause as well as GTA4, Borderlands, Dead island, Fable, and of course Fallout 3 and NV all of which do not have gorgeous water. Now for Skyrim you will have to compare those games with the console version not the PC versions because as of yet we don't have PC footage to compare with.