I have just watched the amazing 20 minute demo (probably the 50th time I have done this lol) and when it came to the bit where the PC attacks the Mammoth it suddenly occured to me, are there wooly rhinos in Skyrim? probably not, but i cannot think of another creature so perfect for this game , I mean seriously Rhino hunting anyone?! where in most circumstances it does not make much sense for animals to randomly attack you it would for rhinos as they are naturally aggresive creatures. It would be so cool to try and bring down and enourmous prehistoric Rhino charging towards you, while armed with your bow praying for the perfect headshot before the beast smashes horn-first into you.
Bethesda, if you are reading this PLEASE add the the Wooly Rhino to Skyrim as it would make a perfect addition to the games eco system - come on it would be awesome. If anyone one else agrees with me please discuss below
I would like a lot of different animals/beasts too, possibly underwater. But we can't have everything can we? Besides there are already lots of gigantic beasts like the Sabertooth, Mammoth, Dragons.. if they add alot of big creatures the world would seriously start to feel a bit small