Dead Money: Not Sure If Its A Glitch, But I'm EXTREMELY Frus

Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:57 am

So I'm finally playing through the New Vegas DLC and I'm doing them in order of release. Haven't been to impressed with Dead Money as its extremely tedious and redundant, but I'm towards the end and I've encountered what could be a glitch. Maybe not a glitch, but whatever it is it is causing a maximum frustration that a video game hasn't caused me since I went back and tried to beat Battletoads.

So I'm in Sierra Madre and I'm in The Tampico theatre trying to hunt down Dean. As I go to the right of the theatre, pass those hologram security guards, and go back stage it stated I was being poisoned by the fog. A bit annoying, as I thought we were past that, but I moved out of the way and it stopped. So I quick saved it as these frequency exploding radios are a huge pain in the butt and I tend to die as I explore for them. I did die but when I reloaded my quick save my health continues to drop. Now, I am playing on hardcoe mode and I do have the implant that regenerates from the New Vegas Medical Center, which does seem to slightly off set the drop. But come on! I take Super Stimpacks and its still dropping way faster than it was in the Villa.

Anyone know anything about this? This is truly miserable. :sadvaultboy:

I'm going to try to make it out of the Theatre to see if that'll stop the issue, but man those holograms hurt!
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:31 am

Do you mean that you continually take damage? Even while not being in a cloud or attacked? If so, then yes, that's a bug. I suggest reloading the same save a few times to see if it straightens itself out, or reloading a previous save. :)
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Ria dell
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:24 am

Are your saying that your health continuously drops everytime you load that character, even when you have left the cloud? That sounds like a save issue, which usually screws that particular save up. If you have one, load the autosave made upon entering the theater and try it again. If you walk all the way away from the cloud and stand in teh corner of the hall across from the door, you will definately be beyond the cloud without exposing yourself to any hologram issues.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:07 pm

Do you mean that you continually take damage? Even while not being in a cloud or attacked? If so, then yes, that's a bug. I suggest reloading the same save a few times to see if it straightens itself out, or reloading a previous save. :)

Yes. It doesn't even register that portion of the cloud anymore in the backstage area. I just constantly lose health. I tried to make it out of the theatre but it told me all the doors were inaccessible! Even the ones I came through. So annoying. I hard save quite often, as I learned to do with Fallout 3, so I have to start before turning the gas off for Dog/God. I cannot wait to beat this and move on to Honest Hearts. This has been a nightmare.

Oh and reloading the quicksave didn't come through, as I've tried about 20 times to complete my objectives within the glitch, but it seems that it was impossible :facepalm:
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:31 am

You've fallen victim to a gamebryo script bug. There is no salvation but to restart.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:36 am

Are your saying that your health continuously drops everytime you load that character, even when you have left the cloud? That sounds like a save issue, which usually screws that particular save up. If you have one, load the autosave made upon entering the theater and try it again. If you walk all the way away from the cloud and stand in teh corner of the hall across from the door, you will definately be beyond the cloud without exposing yourself to any hologram issues.

Yeah, it must have been a crazy glitch with loading the Theatre section. Because this time when I grabbed the key from the music stand I had a dialogue with Dean. When I previously played this part of the quest the POV camera simply showed him on the top of the stairs back stage then showed him run in the back. I simply thought I had to follow him. :dance:
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:01 am

On my 3rd playthrough of DM I had the same problem but it occurred in the Vault. Only way out was to load a prior save. I save frequently so it was not much of a problem.
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carly mcdonough
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:26 am

On my 3rd playthrough of DM I had the same problem but it occurred in the Vault. Only way out was to load a prior save. I save frequently so it was not much of a problem.

Just curious why you played Dead Money 3 times?
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helen buchan
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