90% of the people on these forms are fans of TES and not a lot RPG fans care as much about things like skill and aiming as they do how pretty thier night elf princess on shra la la looks or if thier shirts sewn into thier pants. sad but true
So why has "marksman zoom" been a perk instead of "marksman auto-aim?" The devs have made a conscious decision to make bow accuracy dependent on player skill. They should be consistent with that and allow for area damage. It is is just not realistic to see an enemy charge you with an arrow in his face, unless he is a giant berserk warrior.
Anyways...all of the listed ommissions are pretty bitter for me. Much of it was stuff I expected in Oblivion. Being dissapointed twice (actually, something like two dozen times) has made me question my enjoyment of the series in general. I learned long ago that I'm not an "RPG fan" because most RPGs didn't entertain me. Morrowind, and the Elderscrolls by extension, was the first game that really gave me all the themes I wanted. Now I'm starting to see Morrowind (which wasn't perfect) as a fluke. I hoped that Oblivion would simply add on to it's awesome-ness (mounted combat, brought back climbing, etc) and instead, for the past two games, we've seen a distinct removal of content. Yes, the content that remains has gotten better, but not proportionate to what's been cut, and not proportionate to Bethesda's growing prestige and size and a developer. Don't tell me they don't have enough resources to do this or that, because they accomplished much more when they had much less.