I want a pure thief (Alchemy, Light Armor, Speech, Sneak, Lockpicking and Pickpocketing), but I wonder how I will be able to do the main quest. And most importantly, kill dragons.
I understand that as a thief the key is in preparation, becoming rich first and buying good equipment before going to where sh?it gets real. But that's still useless if you don't have a weapon.
Of course I could use daggers or bows, but that would increase warrior skills and weaken the character relative to the level. And I don't think you can reverse-pickpocket a poisoned apple into a (flying) dragon, so the only way I see how a thief could kill a dragon, is if you steal it as an egg and make an omelet before it hatches.
My other question is why a thief would need light armor when all you can do in a battle is running for your life anyway.
How would you play a (pure) thief? Sneak dragons to death, trade one thief skill for archery, go for seven "main" skills, or what?