So now that NV is Over

Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:20 pm

So tomorrow basically marks the end of Fallout New Vegas after lonesome road comes out. I want to see everyone's opinion on how the game was(even though
LR isn't out yet) and whether you liked it or not. Every time I ask someone if they play fallout they said yeah but I thought fo3 was better. So what's your opinion on that. Personally I have pros and cons for both games but I did think the story and the dlc's were better than fallout 3(based on the three dlc's that have came out in fnv). But I really did like the environment of NV and all the casinos and stuff. And also vote in the poll 1-10 on how good you thought the game was and leave your opinions down below.
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:02 pm

I voted 10 but I shouldn't have. The bugs, freezes and frame rate drops definitely knock it down to a 9 or 8. Which is also probably why Obsidian/Bethesda don't do anything about them.
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