and that got me thinking,
Tamriel - this is based on western Europe in terms of culture and most of the human races.
Now Akavir (bear in mind that its east of Tamriel)
The Monkey People of Tang Mo - I think they represent the Indian sub continent (India, Sri Lanka etc). This part of the world has been associated with Monkeys. There is even Monkey God in Hindu religion. They don't really invade other counties but they defend their country when invaded. They are also mainly pacifist (read Ghandi etc)
The Snow Demons of Kamal - This is obviously represents Russia.
The Tiger-Dragons of Ka'Po'Tun - They are China/Japan. Tiger/Dragon things has been associated with those countries for ages. I love the following line
" it is Tosh Raka's prime goal to destroy the Tsaesci empire and once this impressive task is completed, he plans on invading Tamriel."
The Serpent-Folk of Tsaesci - They are Arab/Middle east. You do associate snakes with that part of the region. Also this line
" (in)famous race of Akavir and the one that has left the most lasting impression on Tamriel"
" Tsaesci is "Snake Palace", once the strongest power in Akavir (before the Tiger-Dragon came)"
If you read the article, you can find more evidence.
I am not saying there is 100% mapping from Asia to Akavir but you can sort of see how that lore devs at Bethesda were sort having fun