So i've just created a new character (Argonian, mage) After a little looting, selling i decided to look for Mentors ring, i already knew where it was.
So i enter the tomb where the mentors ring was and i immediately encounter a ghost. The Ghost were no problem against my magical dagger i summoned, however the bonewalker that was guarding the ring was. After a lot of running, and healing i finnaly killed it. After that i started to loot the place and then rush to the urn where the ring was in. In my haste i didn't catch the text "Trapped" over the urn and well you can guess what happened. I died from the trapped spell.

I reload and rushes to defeat the bonewalker once more and then rushed immediately to the urn again and did the same mistake! :banghead: :facepalm:
Well after once again reloading i slept to regain my magicka. When the text under me said. "You were woken up by a noise"
I didn't know what it was. When i went down to defeat the bonewalker for the third time i saw to my horror that it was a dark brotherhood assasin! :blink: Not only that but the ghost had re-spawned :banghead: .
After a desperate attempt at killing them i was brutally cast down by a combo of the Assasins sword and teh ghost fire spell. *SIGH*
Have you guys ever had any atrocious epic fail moment like mine? Plz Share your stories.

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