Is it possible to move a Steam versoin of a heavily modded O

Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:30 pm

So I've had Steam and Oblivion for close to two years now. When I first got it I installed everything by just clicking OK and letting Steam install itself and Oblivion into the default area for Windows 7.

Is there a way to move both Steam and Oblivion along with all the mods I have installed with out messing things up and having to restart a new game? I have tons of hours and mods installed and I would really like to try and avoid having to go through the hassle of installing FCOM again.
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Isabella X
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:52 am

Would be easier to on the steam folder, and all subfolders.
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:38 am

Why are you moving them, and where are you moving them to? I have found that there are 3 folders I need to preserve my Oblivion installation when moving between computers:

1: The Bethesda Softworks folder, which contains Oblivion, Oblivion/Data, Oblivion Mods (from Wrye Bash), etc.
2: The C:\User\My Games\Oblivion, which has the settings and saved games
- caveat: When moving between different computers, you shouldn't move Oblivion.ini and Renderinfo.ini; you should let your PC regenerate that from scratch when running Oblivion for the first time after you moved it. This means you will lose your ini tweaks. If you're moving it to the same computer this probably shouldn't be an issue.
3: The C:\Users\Appdata\Common\Oblivion folder

Caveat 2: The above will not move your Steam folder, and Steam will no longer recognize Oblivion as being installed. If you want to move your Steam folder, I believe you can move all of your game data to a temporary folder, uninstall Steam, reinstall it in the desired directory, and then move all of your game data back to your new Steam directory. This should preserve your installations; it did for me.

There is also software such as MOM (Multiple Oblivion install Manager) which should do this for you automatically.

If you want to move Oblivion to another hard drive (like I did after reinstalling Windows on an SSD), Link Junction Magic can move an entire folder to a different hard drive and make Windows think it's still in its original location.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:38 am
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laila hassan
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:47 am

I want to do this in order to avoid issues with the UAC. So far I don't think I've had issues since my profile is the only profile on this computer and I'm the admin.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:17 am

I want to do this in order to avoid issues with the UAC. So far I don't think I've had issues since my profile is the only profile on this computer and I'm the admin.

Doesn't matter. Even loggin in on an adminstrative account, doesn't make you admin. :D Still need to wrestle with windows over that one.
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Nikki Lawrence
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