Destruction 21 spells, 9 effects:
- Fire spells = 5
- Frost spells = 5
- Shock spells = 5
- (target, touch, circle, stream, aoe)
- Drain (health, magic, stamina) = 3
- Drain skill (highest skill) = 1
- Weakness (elemental, weapon) = 2
** damage is a perk of drain (% of drained is perma damaged)
Illusion 13 spells, 12 effects:
- calm, frenzy, rally, fear = 4
- command creature, humanoid = 2
- invisibility, chameleon = 2
- light, night eye, silence, charm = 4
- clairvoyance
Alteration 12 spells, 10 effects:
- feather, burden, paralysis = 3
- elemental shield, protection = 2x2 (for others) = 4
- water walk, breathe = 2
- telekinesis, detect, open = 3
Restoration 21 spells, 17 effects:
- absorb (health, magicka, stamina) = 3
- fortify (health, magicka, stamina) = 3
- healing, other = 2
- restore stamina self, other = 2
- restore magicka other = 1
- dispel (offensive, deffensive) = 2
- cure (disease, poison, paralysis) = 3
- turn (undead, circle) = 2
- resist renamed ward with perks for reflect spell (magic) and damage (weapon)
- magic, weapon, spell (absorb) = 3
Conjuration 18 spells, 5 effects:
- bound bow, dagger, battleaxe, waraxe. warhammer, mace, sword, claymore = 8
- bound armor (upgradable), shield = 2
- soul trap, reanimate = 2
Summon spells are probably leveled and there are about 6 of them
- skeleton as one spell (normal, guardian, hero, champion)
- zombie (normal, headless, dread)
- ethernal (ghost, faded wraith, gloom wraith, lich)
As for deadra probably
- atronach (fire, frost, storm)
- creatures (clanfear, daedroth, spider)
- deadra (scamp, dremora, xivial)
Total 85 spells, 53 effects
Even if we split elemental protection into different effects (+2) and add perks as effects (reflect 2, damage 3) that gives us 60 effects..
Even if we go back to morrowind we can't get to that number..
Meaning if 85 are spell effects then a lot are brand new and skyrim has a huge spell list..
If that was true, I'm sure we would have heard about "almost 200 spells" especially with the removal of spell making.
Added separate one and two handed weapons..
EDIT: bold confirmed spells