The 85 spells (if they meant actual spells) II

Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:39 am

First topic got locked due to post limit..

Destruction 21 spells, 9 effects:
- Fire spells = 5
- Frost spells = 5
- Shock spells = 5
- (target, touch, circle, stream, aoe)
- Drain (health, magic, stamina) = 3
- Drain skill (highest skill) = 1
- Weakness (elemental, weapon) = 2

** damage is a perk of drain (% of drained is perma damaged)

Illusion 13 spells, 12 effects:
- calm, frenzy, rally, fear = 4
- command creature, humanoid = 2
- invisibility, chameleon = 2
- light, night eye, silence, charm = 4
- clairvoyance

Alteration 12 spells, 10 effects:
- feather, burden, paralysis = 3
- elemental shield, protection = 2x2 (for others) = 4
- water walk, breathe = 2
- telekinesis, detect, open = 3

Restoration 21 spells, 17 effects:
- absorb (health, magicka, stamina) = 3
- fortify (health, magicka, stamina) = 3
- healing, other = 2
- restore stamina self, other = 2
- restore magicka other = 1
- dispel (offensive, deffensive) = 2
- cure (disease, poison, paralysis) = 3
- turn (undead, circle) = 2

- resist renamed ward with perks for reflect spell (magic) and damage (weapon)
- magic, weapon, spell (absorb) = 3

Conjuration 18 spells, 5 effects:
- bound bow, dagger, battleaxe, waraxe. warhammer, mace, sword, claymore = 8
- bound armor (upgradable), shield = 2
- soul trap, reanimate = 2

Summon spells are probably leveled and there are about 6 of them

- skeleton as one spell (normal, guardian, hero, champion)
- zombie (normal, headless, dread)
- ethernal (ghost, faded wraith, gloom wraith, lich)

As for deadra probably
- atronach (fire, frost, storm)
- creatures (clanfear, daedroth, spider)
- deadra (scamp, dremora, xivial)

Total 85 spells, 53 effects

Even if we split elemental protection into different effects (+2) and add perks as effects (reflect 2, damage 3) that gives us 60 effects..
Even if we go back to morrowind we can't get to that number..
Meaning if 85 are spell effects then a lot are brand new and skyrim has a huge spell list..
If that was true, I'm sure we would have heard about "almost 200 spells" especially with the removal of spell making.

Added separate one and two handed weapons..
EDIT: bold confirmed spells
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:12 am

that took some time.. i hope you are right though so there isn't really 85 spells just like 85 types but inside of those there are levels
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:36 am

Call me skeptical, but I doubt there will be a restore magicka or fortify magicka spell. Fortify will be under enchantments (about 100% sure), and restore is contradictory, spend magicka to gain magicka wtf.

I also doubt the summon spells will change creatures. What if we're fighting a frost atronach and we want to summon a fire atronach instead of a storm atronach? Doesn't make sense to be s.o.l.

Finally, since the detect spell in the demo only works on humanoids and animals, not daedra or undead, etc. Won't there be seperate detect spells?
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:08 am

Call me skeptical, but I doubt there will be a restore magicka or fortify magicka spell. Fortify will be under enchantments (about 100% sure), and restore is contradictory, spend magicka to gain magicka wtf.

I also doubt the summon spells will change creatures. What if we're fighting a frost atronach and we want to summon a fire atronach instead of a storm atronach? Doesn't make sense to be s.o.l.

Finally, since the detect spell in the demo only works on humanoids and animals, not daedra or undead, etc. Won't there be seperate detect spells?

Restore magicka for companions, fortify magicka to cast more expensive spells..
Although fortify magicka is a possible candidate for removal..

Good thinking on the detect deadra..

And yeah, changing creatures is wierd, but that is the only way to have 85 spells..

The problem is if you count spell effects you can't get to 85
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:26 am

More things I noticed.

Drain skill was pretty much useless in Oblivion, why would they bring it back?

Where are the raw magicka damage spells? (Non-elemental damage) I'd probably replace the Drain spells with Damage Health, Fatigue and Magicka, rather than make them perks

Weakness to weapons doesn't make any sense, because if you're good at Destruction, you don't need to make ghosts vulnerable to non-magical weapons, just blow them up

Illusion and alteration schools are good as is

Is it confirmed that dispel is a restoration effect, it doesn't make sense there. I'd put it under Destruction, because you're "destroying" magical effects

If you take into consideration that a single fire spell has two effects (if you tap and if you hold, like a power attack of sorts), you don't really need more than 3 or 4 spells per elemental damage type.

That's all I got.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:46 am

More things I noticed.

Drain skill was pretty much useless in Oblivion, why would they bring it back?

Where are the raw magicka damage spells? (Non-elemental damage) I'd probably replace the Drain spells with Damage Health, Fatigue and Magicka, rather than make them perks

Weakness to weapons doesn't make any sense, because if you're good at Destruction, you don't need to make ghosts vulnerable to non-magical weapons, just blow them up

Illusion and alteration schools are good as is

Is it confirmed that dispel is a restoration effect, it doesn't make sense there. I'd put it under Destruction, because you're "destroying" magical effects

If you take into consideration that a single fire spell has two effects (if you tap and if you hold, like a power attack of sorts), you don't really need more than 3 or 4 spells per elemental damage type.

That's all I got.

Why get rid of drain if you can improve it?

Weakness to weapons if for spellswords, it doesn't need to be a high level spell.

I think spells no longer have multiple effects.. Flames (flamethrower) and Fireball were two different spells in the videos..
What you can do is do a normal fireball and a charged one..
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Ashley Hill
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:13 am

If there are only 6 types of summons I will cry.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:05 am

From the videos the spells and even whole spell system seemed far far superior - and nearly all playthrough reviews agree.

Things are lookin good.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:07 am

I am pretty sure they aren't going to work like these at all - (target, touch, circle, stream, aoe). So far they seem to have a constant stream spell, a projectile spell, and a "from above" bolt/storm type spell for each element. My guess is maybe they'll have a shield/AOE explosion out of the player spell but no touch spells.

Also, I doubt they will do weakness, fortify, and drain spells. It looks like they have scrapped spell effects in general, because that only made sense when your spell system was just flying colored energy and you could apply pretty much any effect to the energy without changing the appearance. Effects and were really to add value to the spell system with spell crafting because the spells were otherwise pretty generic and hard to tell apart. In Skyrim they seem to want to make sure the animations are unique and recognizable, especially so that you can recognize a spell by how the hand equipping it looks.

My guess is that to replace those effect type spells more unique spells like weird armor effects/Diablo or Bioshock style spells. You know, cloud of bugs like mosquitos or wasps (which a preview said they saw) that sap enemies stamina or give you their health, or armored skin for fortifying health, or butterflies that fly around you and recharge your magicka for a while. I think we will be pleasantly surprised by how cool the spells are, making up for not different spell levels (the spells will probably just improve with the skill, because now that they are putting more assets into the animations and making sure that they interact with the world very differently it would be resource-prohibitive to make different versions).

Here's what I have seen or heard in footage and previews:
Bound Weapon
Circle of Protection
(Flame Rune)
Frost Rune
Chain Lightning
(Shock Bolt)
(Shock Rune)
Detect Life
Soul Trap
Water Breathing
Water Walking
Summon Wolf/Atronarch/Zombie/Skeleton/Ancestral Ghost
Command Creature

Fire Breath
Slow Time
Whirlwind Spring
Storm Call
Ice Prison
Summon Dragon
Force Push
(Unnamed or assumed based on equivalent of each element)

Also, according to a Destructoid interview with the art director, there are close to 100 spells (previously we were told there were 85+).
He said that all spell effects are "incredibly unique, with unique perks for each [magic] skill."

Yeah, 100 SPELLS! It looks like we aren't going to know what kinds of spells they have been working on until the game comes out.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:07 am

I don't think we'll have any drain effects.

Neither do I think there'll be any kind of fortify spell.

Nor do I think there'll be weakness spells.

It's quite impossible at this point to just list all the spell effects we had in oblivion and draw conclusions from that. it's very possible that there's 100 spells in the game.
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Justin Hankins
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 2:34 pm

If there are only 6 types of summons I will cry.

I think there will be close to 12 types of summons and don't pay attention to a lot of the BS in this thread because it's pure speculation :shakehead: 2 bound armor spells :facepalm: whatever OP keep kidding yourself. :confused:
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:03 am

There are still no more spell effects.

Yes, flame thrower and fireball is two different spell!

No, it doesn't matter they both use fire.
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