Si, ive got one character sorted, my main character... but i thought i might aswell start writing more characters with the time i have left before Skyrim's release... so... i plan on doing a young Breton girl, who is forced to the College of Winterhold by her parents to practive her magic skills more... even though she's a bit of a rebel and couldnt care less about her magic skills, infact she even skips College classes and just goes of exploring Skyrim most of the time, wanting to go out and explore, after all she's been getting told what to do in the past years by her parentsall the time... shes a long haired, pale skinned, eyeliner wearing teen (in retrospect, shes a Skyrim version of todays emos/scene kids, whatever you wanna' call them).... but i can't think of a name for her? :0 I havn't wrote out any real backstory for her yet... i want to hear what you guys think and if youve done anything like this for your characters?