Concept of daywalking vampires:
The strongest and original cursed vampires, the vampire lord and some members of his family will have the ability to walk amongst humans in the daytime. You can contract his disease through fighting him and obtain the power to walk in daylight. Of course, as a cursed vampire he would not be left without his appetite of blood to regain his abilities; he will still have vampire vulnerabilities but some may be different since he is a daywalker. If a daywalker scratches you do not just contract the disease, you must have a certain amount of exposure to the light for some time period only during your transformation to active that specific daywalker gene; new cursed blooded vampires would not have that gene. Get the disease receiving little exposure to light and you are an average night vampire. When you turn to a daywalker your health will deplete steadily from the sun so you must pack many health potions only to stay near death and to keep alive. The curse is enduring the light and hunger as a vampire and its your job to find a loophole in the curse. With a more responsive A.I turning a whole town into vampires would be a difficult task if you are recognized as one by townspeople. There could be a feud between night and daywalking vampires who try to remain undetected by humans. Would you like to be able to have you own army of vampires at your disposal and infect a whole unsuspecting town? Would you want to see vampire children? I will read any suggestions and respond to that detail how this concept could be more appealing for the game. Please gaming community I need your support to bring this idea to life. And if you must know I do not have a fascination with the movie "Twilight" both the chick and the dude were too corny, awkward and weird for me.
And please do not be a noob giving brief and obvious answers; I need to take the good with the bad criticism with thoroughly typed explanations its helpful for the learning process.
Thank you