some consideration

Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:38 am

I think those are pretty minor things that will not really affect gameplay and I think in all likelihood you will not even notice after half an hour of actually playing because you will be so blown away by the games awesomeness.

perhaps? i hope you're right. i more than likely will be but i so wanted to mount horses and explore on them in the 1st.
thanks :wink_smile:
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sam smith
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:00 pm

I'll repeat what I already said:

I'd like to shed some light on something that I find quite curious, probably because I'm more of a 3rd person player myself (one of those who kind of suffered trough Oblivion because of how weird it plaed in 3rd person)

Why does some people claim that this is looking more and more like a 3rd person game, when, as far as we know, it is still impossible/fairly impossible to use ranged attacks, be it magic or archery in 3rd person?
THAT is a MAJOR BUMMER for 3rd person players.

I find it slightly childish that some of you are "complaining" about such a small thing (because lets face it; in such a huge game as Skyrim is, these finishing moves, even if we'll see them 1.000 times, are small in comparision to all the rest of the game) when 3rd person players CAN'T actually play big parts of the game in third person.
Not pointing out to the devs what a problem this one is before even daring to complain about some forced 3rd person moves, well, that does sound a bit selfish in my book.

What I'm trying to say is: guys, Skyrim will be a 1st person game, mainly. It's something I'm personally resigned to, as I'm betting many other 3rd person players are. And I find it plain surprising that some people gets this angered about being forced into 3rd person when, if you look it the other way around, one should be happy not to be on the "other side" and have to shallow up loads of 1st person.

(that said, the trade off is that I'm getting better at 1st person games. Yay! The other day, I managed to finally play bioshock! :D )
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