I got Fallout 3 this past sunday, i installed it and tried to play it but as soon as i started up the game it crashed and prepared a error report... I have been all over the place downloading things, windows xp service pack updates, windows live updates and fallout updates but nothing works... i even tried running it with the disable visual themes option checked but it just crashes at startup. my next thought was that i needed to update my graphics drivers, but i can't find anywhere to download the drivers without registering some stupid scanner thing that i don't want (please link it if you can). i meet all of the system requirements (barely) and it should run. if anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated

running a Dell XPS somethin or other (2005 model) Windows XP service Pack 3
2.8GHz processor
256mb Graphics (Card is named RADEON x300 128mb hypermemory, and there are two of them... one backup one not so backup xD