I dont get this post. You are for wait healing? No wait healing and no regen health (what I am for) would make magic food and potions actual choices that mattered. Having wait and regen healing would take them away. What choice is there when you can just wait, or hide behind a rock and walk away from the screen while you heal? I dont think you read my posts right, or something.
I like wait healing. it's great for non-mage characters, and is an alternative to carrying around a small fortune in steaks or healing potions
and you misinterpreted me far worse than I did you. read what I said again
Potions and food matter because they work best in combat, the time when you need them the most. magic works too, but it svcks ass because you've got to run around like a moron wasting your magic on healing while your enemy is chasing you, cutting your health down as fast as you can regenerate it. in that time, you could be using that magic to do other things, like actually killing your opponent.
As a D&D player, I can tell you one thing about it: if you use magic to heal in combat, then you are a moron. healing damage is reactive, while successful combat is proactive
And, to illustrate my point as to why waiting doesn't take away from other healing methods:
What choice is there when your only option for survival is carrying around a whole hospital's worth of potions or the entire food supply of a nearby town?
Read Arctorius post, he said that health regen and wait healing makes potions, food, and magic healing actually matter. I dont see how, since you never have to use them outside of battle if there's wait and auto regen. you take away wait and regen and healing outside of battle is an actual choice that matters.
sure, they matter. in a "greatsword up the player's ass" kind of way