[WiP] World of Wastelands - DLC Improvements

Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:49 am

Hey there NV Modding Community! Mortimer here, working on a mod that I call World of Wastelands, as both an awful pun of World of Warcraft and an homage to Wasteland, the pretty cool game that influenced Fallout. This isn't my first mod, but it is the first I plan on releasing publicly.

So far I've got a pretty good idea of what I want to do planned out in my head, and all three poll options play into it. The premise is this: The DLC, even with limitations and difficulty mods, can feel too easy. Especially if you've done it before. What I plan on doing is creating a mod that makes the areas much more difficult through a combination of:
  • Re-scaled enemies (NOT just HP tanks)
  • Increased / altered spawn locations
  • New enemies entirely (You thought the Legendary Deathclaw was tough?)
  • Higher/more skill checks (intuitively placed to feel as natural as possible, with plenty of options around it)
  • Redone items locations (to not interfere with mods that change their stats such as WMX)
  • Expanded levels and quests. (larger, more difficult levels without feeling copy/pasted or tedious - just enough to make it a challenge)
  • *Future Goal* Create alternate paths through the DLC. (Think you know what to do in Dead Money? Kill your teammates and activate the Gala event a new, even tougher, yet more rewarding way.)

So there's my grand scheme for this. I'm going to get down to business once I beat Lonesome Road tomorrow / Wednesday, I just want to see what my first goal (and beta) should include.

Thanks for being a wonderful board to be a part of!
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Jade MacSpade
Posts: 3432
Joined: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:53 pm

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