1) a way to zoom the 3rd person camera in and out.
2) toggling jog\walk speeds combined with a "push to run" option
3) rotating the camera around the character in the menus to see the gear.
in skyrim it seems like u can sprint and jog, but i am not sure i've seen walking. maybe on consoles u could slightly push the joystick to walk but that's far from what im wishing for.
in combat i always toggled WALK ON so i dont run around, but when exploring i mainly jogged.
the reason i always walked in combat mainly was because in lookred rediculous to run sideways and backwards when u fight. nobody fights like that. not even in the most far fetched hollywood movies. in combat u try and stay balanced by slowly moving around or standing still so u dont fall over once u r hit. otherwise it looks silly, IMO. i sure hope we can toggle this on or of, with and without a controller.
also i'd love to have the ability to zoom my camera closer or farther , depends on the situation and my mood. it's not an all important feature but it was in oblivion and i will sure miss it if it isnt in skyrim.
last feature i wonder if we will have in skyrim is a way to look at our character from all sides. after getting new gear i loved looking at it in the menu screen, admiring the new look. in akyrim there wont be such a way in the menues, but will there be such a way via other means? in 3rd person u can only see it form behind. any type of rotating camera in there somewhere?
anyone has any clue on these?
anyone cares to ask pete on twitter? (i dont have an account)