Drinking contests in game

Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:32 am

Not sure if its just NPC vs NPC, but I hope the player can take part too :)

http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/716494/skyrim-rated-m-by-esrb-sky-continues-to-be-blue/ Bottom of that post it says there is
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:32 am

I want this.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:06 am

i plan on playing a drunk orc so i should win no problem
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:29 am

Definitely gonna try to become the drinking champion of every major settlement.
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:39 pm

dude that article was sick, drinking contests, decapitations, AWESOME! :biggrin:
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:41 am

Im going to drink So much
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 2:32 am

Quarters anyone? :foodndrink:
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:27 pm

This is where having primary attributes would have been useful. You could have a drinking contest with someone, and your Endurance would determine how much alcohol you could consume without succumbing to drunkenness.

The effects of drunkenness could also get worse over time, weighted against your END so a character with higher END is more of a heavyweight drinker able to tolerate booze more. Drunkenness could mean the following effects, progressively as you drink more and more:

- Drain Marksman
- Drain Intelligence/Magicka
- Fortify/Drain Charisma/Personality (a little bit of booze makes you jolly, too much makes you violent!)
- Drain Agility beyond 0 - in practice this could mean your character falling down a lot, which is very realistic behaviour for a drunkard!
- Restricting the character's movement, from preventing sprinting (sprinting causes you to fall down), preventing running (running causes you to fall down) to lowering the accuracy of your movement (in other words, you can't walk in a straight line at max drunkenness)

Drinking contests could then have consisted of various challenges, e.g. a race from one end of the tavern to another, trying not to fall over; a marksmanship contesf (which would be based on your marksmanship as well as your level of drunkeness!), and 'I bet I can convince that bar wench over there to go home with me rather than you', which would be based on a variety of skills and attributes, such as speechcraft and Personality, maybe also Strength if that wench likes strong guys. It would basically then be a stat war between you and your fellow drunkard to determine the winner, with some player skill also required.

It would be extremely cool if this happened. Alas, it is mostly fantasy. But it is a good example of why we need both skills and attributes in TES games.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:08 am

When it comes to drinking, I ALWAYS WIN, no joke.
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Anna Beattie
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:05 pm

This is where having primary attributes would have been useful. You could have a drinking contest with someone, and your Endurance would determine how much alcohol you could consume without succumbing to drunkenness.

The effects of drunkenness could also get worse over time, weighted against your END so a character with higher END is more of a heavyweight drinker able to tolerate booze more. Drunkenness could mean the following effects, progressively as you drink more and more:

- Drain Marksman
- Drain Intelligence/Magicka
- Fortify/Drain Charisma/Personality (a little bit of booze makes you jolly, too much makes you violent!)
- Drain Agility beyond 0 - in practice this could mean your character falling down a lot, which is very realistic behaviour for a drunkard!
- Restricting the character's movement, from preventing sprinting (sprinting causes you to fall down), preventing running (running causes you to fall down) to lowering the accuracy of your movement (in other words, you can't walk in a straight line at max drunkenness)

Drinking contests could then have consisted of various challenges, e.g. a race from one end of the tavern to another, trying not to fall over; a marksmanship contesf (which would be based on your marksmanship as well as your level of drunkeness!), and 'I bet I can convince that bar wench over there to go home with me rather than you', which would be based on a variety of skills and attributes, such as speechcraft and Personality, maybe also Strength if that wench likes strong guys. It would basically then be a stat war between you and your fellow drunkard to determine the winner, with some player skill also required.

It would be extremely cool if this happened. Alas, it is mostly fantasy. But it is a good example of why we need both skills and attributes in TES games.

All of that is pure gold. I strongly advise you to write a letter to Todd Howard containing those ideas, just in case he can squeeze it in last-minute.

Next time I fall over drunk I'm totally gonna say "Oh no, the beer has drained my Agility below 0."
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 4:31 am

Don't know how to contact Todd Howard and he probably wouldn't read my letter anyway, but if someone wanted to tweet those ideas to Pete Hines (I'm not on Twitter so can't), by all means do!
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helen buchan
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 7:53 pm

Further ideas:

You can offer to buy a character a drink in a tavern for a disposition boost.

When shooting at a target while drunk, your crosshair moves about a LOT, more or less depending on how drunk you are.

Casting spells can not only miss the target, but go badly wrong and backfire, with various negative effects.

When you become drunk initially, a message appears saying "You are inebriated. Watch your step."

As you get more and more drunk, further warnings will alert you of serious damage to your attributes and skills.

In a very drunk state, people will refuse to talk to you (as when playing a maxed out vampire on Oblivion).

If you continue to drink in massive quantities, death will eventually ensue.

Any other thoughts on how drunkeness could be simulated in-game?

Also I think it would be cool if they included addiction as in Fallout 3.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:59 pm

Thrash Graqe!
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 11:17 am

:ahhh: :clap: :bonk:
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Ross Thomas
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 7:44 am

This is where having primary attributes would have been useful. You could have a drinking contest with someone, and your Endurance would determine how much alcohol you could consume without succumbing to drunkenness.
But it is a good example of why we need both skills and attributes in TES games.

I sincerely hope that someone mods attributes back in. We can only wish that devs make jump height a variable, even if all characters jump as tall, otherwise adding speed and/or acrobatics may be too much of a burden to come true. The same can be said about other secondary attribute characteristics that have been removed, I hope we can add it back the way it previously was.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:43 pm

Completely guessing here, but it almost sounds like a quest or something, where in order to get the NPC to talk to you, you need to beat him in a drinking contest. Basing that on the way they wrote, "...and in one sequence, players can engage in a drinking contest with another character..."

Edit: spelling
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Post » Wed Sep 21, 2011 3:53 am

I agree, it's highly likely to be a one-off, scripted event. The mechanics of implementing open-ended contests would likely be too complex for the developers to bother with.

Still, glad it's in!
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