"The Maormer are known as Sea Elves or Tropical Elves. They reside on the island of Pyandonea, south of the continent of Tamriel. They have pale, almost chameleon-like skin and yellow eyes. It was originally believed that they had lived in the Altmer home of Summerset Isle and were exiled, but tapestries found in the Crystal Tower of Alinor reveal an enmity going back so far as to make that theory impossible.[1] Their leader is an immortal wizard named Orgnum. The Maormer practice a snake-like magic which they use to tame sea-serpents."
I'm guessing they are possibly a Maori / Polynesian influenced TES race as the name Maormer is similar to Maori and Pyandonea is similar to Polynesia. Their habitat also echoes that of Polynesia / Oceania.