It'd be nice to have an electronic copy of the manual available a week or so before game release - people will need time to understand the new character system and plan their character.
I have a pc, but I'm assuming that consoles can also use pdf or some electronic format of manual?
It'd be nice if they started production on this a few months earlier to it'd be out by now.....ok so that only makes as much sense as wanting the game manual to be released separatly and ahead of the game itself.
How long do you really need to review the manual anyways? I think you're just jonesing for the game a little too hard.
Birthsigns are gone and "replaced" with guardian stones and the perk system. This is the one that I'm most disappointed about, as neither one really does what birthsigns did.
It is possible they will have guardian stones for other constellations.
I said no because coming on this forum the week before the release would mean for people who didn't buy the guide to avoid spoilers would just end up getting bombarded by them anyway.
I said no because coming on this forum the week before the release would mean for people who didn't buy the guide to avoid spoilers would just end up getting bombarded by them anyway.
I wouldn't expect the manual to have any spoilers in it!
Although some people seem to want to play without using the manual at all, calling that a learning experience. So for them, anything from the manual would be a spoiler - but they're just weird
Wouldn't mind having it available beforehand to study hard i.e. magical effects (in which I hope there is a ton of new ones). Since the game itself doesn't describe what exactly Rally or Calm actually does and why high level Illusion spells don't work at all while wearing armor (ehm, not sure if that is described in the manual either).
But, I don't think it will happen. Aren't they quite anol about manuals showing up i.e. on also? Bit weird attitude to me to be honest.