I'm not sure if I remember this correctly or not but does the smithing in Skyrim have 2 stations or 3? I know it's one or the other. And all I can think of is the grindstone to repair them and a forge to create them. But I just want someone to clear this up for me real fast. But does anyone think the smithing will be too complicated cosidering there are six stages in the smithing process alone? Do we even know anything about the six stages? Are these "stages" a part of one big process in which you can't get to the next one until you complete the first one? Or are they just small "stages" that you can do anytime to improve, repair, create, etc.etc.? Maybe it's just me but it all seems too complex but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it no matter how difficult smithing is. Maybe it's not difficult at all and I'm just paranoid.
It might be complex, but heck, it's there, and it adds immersion, and if I wanted to do it then heck, lemme just walk right over there and make me a sword from Alduin's spine!
I think they will be ok. I cant imagine it to be hideously complicated and the rest of the game somewhat streamlined.
Yeah smithing is pretty much the only thing I'm concerned about but I'm sure the tutorial will have a smithing part in it...hopefully. Off topic: I can't wait to see how the enchanting system is.